Maria represents the best of America — but Republicans would rather see her go

By Gabe Ortiz

Funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out tomorrow, yet Congressional Republicans are determined to continue playing with our nation’s security at the expense of millions of immigrant families.

Everyone knows that a clean DHS bill will eventually be passed, but Republicans have instead pushed for a bill with riders that would end DAPA and DACA. Four times they’ve tried, and four times they’ve failed.

Maria is just one of the young immigrants Republicans are determined on expelling from the nation. Senator Dick Durbin has been highlighting success stories like her’s on the Senate floor to show who is living the American Dream because of immigration action.

Maria was brought to the U.S. from Mexico at nine. She immediately found her niche in helping others, and when she wasn’t busy tutoring other students, she was a member of several clubs, and wrote for her high school newspaper.

By the time she graduated, she excelled with a 3.97 GPA.

Maria was accepted to University of Michigan, but sadly was unable to enroll because of her immigration status. Instead, she enrolled at the University of Detroit Mercy, a private Catholic school. Maria’s immigration status never halted her determination, and in between her studies she founded Campus Kitchen (taking leftover meals from the school cafeteria and delivering them to seniors), helped rebuild a home in South Carolina, and worked with homeless persons in California.

Maria graduated as valedictorian of her class with a major in English and Social Work. Following DACA, Maria was able to apply for a work permit and continued dedicating herself to community service, joining the Jesuit Volunteer Corps as a Program Coordinator. She plans to go to graduate school for Social Work and one day hopes to become an advocate for victims of domestic violence.

In a letter to Senator Durbin, Maria wrote: “DACA means showing the rest of the country, society, and my community what I can do. I have always known what I’m capable of, but DACA has allowed me to show others that the investment and opportunity that DACA provides is worth it.”

Maria represents everything we strive to be as Americans. So why do Republicans want her and millions of others to leave?

Reprinted from America’s Voice (
