Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyBertha Lopez just won’t go away quietly… sounds like she is going to fight her suspension from the school board and get re-instated??? Suspension… hell we thought she was kicked off the school board for pleading guilty. We can only guess her argument will be that she is only did a little bit of a crime and as such deserves a second chance… a crime is a crime.

The flip side is: she wants to run for school board again, you see this is what is wrong with politics today… que lastima!!! What she doesn’t get is that there is a silent majority out there that is happy she is no longer on the board….

Hijole, mi esposa wore her German futbol jersey Thursday and received some funny looks… she is half German, half Hispanic and has followed the German team for a very long time now… the US and Mexico both made it in the final 16, now it is win or go home. Brazil and Chile kick-off the final 16 on Saturday. Mexico plays on Sunday 9 am versus the Netherlands, and the US will play Tuesday.

Received a copy of the invite to National City mayor, Ron Morrison’s state of the city speech… looks like one of those NASCARs with all the advertisers stuck on it. The invite itself only takes up the top third of the sheet the rest is all corporate sponsors…. Sponsors for a state of the city speech, really???? the next thing we will be seeing is product placement … wonder if he will have logos on his suit like the auto racers do???

The City of San Diego passed a bunch of tax incentives so that the local breweries could, well make more beer…. Now don’t get me wrong we like beer just as much as the next guy, but tax incentives for a specific commercial business… how does that work??? The city council likes the product so they say hey guys you don’t have to pay as many taxes so you can grow and prosper and be sure drop off a year’s supply of beer, or what!!! Where do we sign up for that?

Candidate Carl DeMaio, right-wing Republican running against Congressman Scott Peters, announced his Hispanic endorsements a week or so ago… we are not sure of the date in that nobody covered or wrote about it…. Anyway the Latino American Political Association and The Hispanic 100 came in support…. The funny thing was that on the DeMaio website a photo of the announcement showed a lot of white folks and hardly any Hispanics…. Dee Castro was the only one we recognized and there was a guy holding an LAPA sign, the only two Hispanics there!
