New HP computers “a blessing” for Barrio Logan students

<figure id="attachment_30073" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-30073" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-30073"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-30073" src="/sites/default/files/2015/01/BLCI_2014-0129-300x202.jpg" alt="Barrio Logan College Institute senior Daniela Gonzalez (pictured with mom Karla Vazquez), received a laptop from HP in December to help her with school work at home. " width="300" height="202" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w,… 1440w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-30073" class="wp-caption-text">Barrio Logan College Institute senior Daniela Gonzalez (pictured with mom Karla Vazquez), received a laptop from HP in December to help her with school work at home.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Students at a Logan Heights college-preparation program will soon have state-of-the-art computers thanks to a donation from information technologycorporation Hewlett-Packard (HP).</p>
<p>In the next few weeks, Barrio Logan College Institute will receive 50 personal and laptop computers from HP as part of their seven-year old collaboration.</p>
<p>Of the 50 computers, 25 PCs will be used by students, 10 laptops will be for BLCI office staff, and the remaining 15 laptops will be available to high school seniors, who until recentlyhad to share eight PCs.</p>
<p>The 50 computers are “a blessing,” according to Jose Cruz, BLCI executive director.</p>
<p>“The students are very enthusiastic about the new HP computers, especially our high school seniors who had to share a few computers. BLCI has been blessed by the continuous generosity of HP, whose donations help our students’ academic efforts.”</p>
<p>BLCI had been working with refurbished computers for many years, so the equipment and software was outdated, slow, Cruz said. Now students will be able to use the latest software to work on school projects.</p>
<p>“They’ll be able to run certain math and other subjects’ software,” he said. “These computers will be faster, more efficient for students’ homework. Also, all staff is getting new desktops, so we will be able to work more efficiently as well.”</p>
<p>Cruz said that the donation represents more than $50,000 in savings for BLCI.</p>
<p>“Working with BLCI is always inspiring,” said Ron Coughlin, HP senior vicepresident and general manager of Consumer PC’s, services and solutions. “The BLCI students and their families thrive through significant challenges to make higher education a priority for their next step in life. Recognizing their achievement in their after school college prep program is just one of the ways the HP San Diego site and the HP Hispanic Employee Network (HEN) partners with Barrio Logan College Institute.”</p>
<p>Currently, BLCI serves more than 200 students in its Barrio Logan and Chula Vista locations. So far, all graduates of the BLCI program have enrolled in college. And 81 percent of those go directly to a four-year university. Around 94 percent of BLCI alumni graduate from college.</p>
<p>For 2015, Cruz said BLCI will focus in expanding its Chula Vista program, which serves the Castle Park area as part of Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood program, which focuses on low-income families.</p>
<p>“We’re continuing to grow to have a bigger impact in our communities,” Cruz said. “We welcome partners, corporations or non-profits, with similar mission.”</p>
<p>South Bay Community Services, a social services agency in Chula Vista, is working with BLCI in Chula Vista. In the short time since the Chula Vista College Institute opened, it has had a tremendous impact in the Castle Park neighborhood, which is predominantly Latino.</p>
<p>“BLCI is a great partner and it’s wonderful to be able to bring their successful model to Chula Vista and to the Castle Park community,” said Mauricio Torre, Youth &amp; Family Development Department director for South Bay Community Services. “Their unique perspectives and expertise not only support academic achievement but life outside of the classroom. This holistic support is what CVPromise is about. BLCI is helping families with a renewed outlook for their children’s education.”</p>
<p>Cruz said that the 50 computers donated by HP will be for BLCI’s Barrio Logan location. In addition to this donation, every year HP employees organize a Holiday Give Back event in December, where high school seniors receive laptops to help them in their education.</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz