Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyRemember when the most wanted drug delaer ‘El Chapo’ was capatured a couple of weeks ago, well an Orthodox Jewish Newspaper, in New Jersey, used Actor Luis Guzman’s face for their ‘El Chapo’ Article. Guzman probably best know for his role in “Carlito’s Way”. Guzman isn’t even Mexican, he is Puerto Rican… This reminds us of the time a long time ago now, when Cesar Chavez passed away and a local tv station showed boxing champion Julio Cesar Chavez’ photo during the news segment… as they say we all look alike.

Staying on the East Coast: El Dairo of New York the oldest Spanish language publication in the good old USA is in big trouble. When the Argentina owners took over they started putting in their compatriots, from Argentina, and getting rid of all the established reporters, editors, and making the publisher a mere figure head giving her the title that ended with emeritus…

El jefe is sadden, and disappointed with Pearl Quionnes pleading guilty to one felony count of funneling campaign money. Sad because she is one of us and got caught up in the insidious culture of corruption that is pervasive in the South Bay that was beyond her. We are also disappointed because she might have fooled us and willingly allowed herself to be used in such a way….

Chula Vista Elementary School Board pulled a fast one last board meeting. First they promoted five temporary teachers to probationary, basically because they were good teachers, and then turned around and fired all five, for various reasons but based on principal recommendation. School board and superintendent were at a little loss of words to explain the why 5 good teachers were fired…you see that is what you can do with young teachers…. see this week’s editorial.

Saving the bacon of NC city councilman Luis Natividad is becoming a cottage industry… this week an email was sent out saying that Natividad lost his retirement nest egg and the family was looking for legal help…. okay… then the email went on the say that they also needed an air conditioner, new windows, carpets, and on and on…. say what??? If this was a one time thing, maybe… but in 2013 David Valladoid wanted to step up a monthly contribution stream to help with Luis’ expenses, and a few years before that there was a call to help offset medical expenses with a fundraiser at the Centro????

Sweetwater school district teachers showed their resolve when they took their strike vote. Of the 1800 teachers 1400 teachers voted in favor of a strike… now that Superintendent Brand sees the overwhelming support and unity of the teachers he has been back tracking on his tough talking stance… Teachers are upset that of the $9 million dollars being released by the state to the district none of which will go towards the teachers but is slated to go toward their board’s and Brand’s desire to get new a new building for themselves… that and other issues such as their benefits….

