Chula Vista police, community raise funds for daughter’s of slain woman

<figure id="attachment_29384" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-29384" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-29384"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-29384" src="…; alt="Leonor Castillo" width="300" height="198"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-29384" class="wp-caption-text">Leonor Castillo</figcaption></figure>
<p>Chula Vista pólice officers are raising money and toys for the three daughters of a Latina mother who was killed by her ex-husband in a kill-and-run incident last week.</p>
<p>Detectives from the Chula Vista Police Department Crimes of Violence unit are raising donations from fellow officers and department employees to provide the three daughters of Leonor Castillo with some holiday gifts. She was murdered by her ex-husband (the children’s father) when he ran over her in a jealous rage on Nov. 28th, on Elm Ave., in Chula Vista.</p>
<p>The suspect, Cesar Castillo, turned himself in at the San Ysidro Port of Entry this week and was booked into County Jail on charges of homicide. The couple was in the process of divorcing.</p>
<p>But the focus of the money and toy drive are the three girls, ages 10, 8, and 3, who are now living with their maternal grandparents, said Lt. Fritz Reber.</p>
<p>“When we learned of this tragic incident, all of our police department wanted to help,” he said.</p>
<p>Reber said that police employees have raised at least $1,000, and that dispatchers are putting together stockings for the family.<br>
“I’m very proud of our department,” he said. “This is a great gesture.”</p>
<p>The children have also been included in the Department’s annual toy drive on December 13th.</p>
<p>CVPD has received inquiries and potential commitments to help from “Star Pal” (in conjunction with the Charges), as well as from officers and agencies throughout the County.</p>
<p>“CVPD would like to thank all those who have expressed an interest in helping,” Reber said.</p>
<p>He added that the three girls are safe, in their maternal grandparents’ house.</p>
<p>“Leonor’s parents are just heartbroken, devastated,” he said. “We had the father come to the department, and in Spanish he gave his declaration. He could barely walk, but he did what he had to do, and thanked us for our work.”</p>
<p>In addition to giving toys to the three Castillo girls, the Chula Vista Police Department is also having its annual toy drive. Reber said the drive is in special need of toys for children ages 13 to 17. People can take their donations to the department’s lobby until Dec. 13th.</p>
<p>Also, the family and friends of Leonor Castillo have set up a fund to benefit the children. In three days, it had raised more than $7,000.</p>
<p>“This is truly amazing to see so many people help Leonor’s family,” wrote one donor on the page. “She was such a kind person. I pray for your family during this hard time, sweet girl.”</p>
<p>Another donor wrote, “My condolences to the Castillo family. I’m sorry to hear your loss. God bless.”</p>
<p>Jeanette Magaña, who started the fundraiser on gofund, wrote the following: “Wow! Thank you all! Leonor’s mom thanks you soo, soo much. Words can’t describe how thankful we are.”</p>
<p>The funds will benefit the three Castillo girls. Anyone wishing to contribute can do so at <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p&gt;

Pablo Jaime Sainz