Eduardo Reyes, candidate for Chula Vista schools board: “Education is my passion”

<figure id="attachment_29026" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-29026" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-29026"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-29026" src="…; alt="Candidate Eduardo Reyes: “Having worked as a classroom teacher and as a school administrator for many years this provides me with a ‘big picture’ vision of the needs of the district. ... I know how children learn and what they need to become successful,”" width="300" height="225" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-29026" class="wp-caption-text">Candidate Eduardo Reyes: “Having worked as a classroom teacher and as a school administrator for many years this provides me with a ‘big picture’ vision of the needs of the district. … I know how children learn and what they need to become successful,”</figcaption></figure>
<p>Think about any educational level and Dr. Eduardo Reyes has worked there in one way or another.</p>
<p>In his more than 22 years in education, he has worked in kinder through sixth grade, middle and high schools, adult education, Regional Occupational Program/Career Technical Education program, and at several colleges and universities.</p>
<p>Now that Reyes is running for Seat 5 in the Chula Vista Elementary School District governing board in the November 4 elections, he said he will use all of that experience to bring a professional mindset to the table.</p>
<p>Of the three candidates running for Seat 5, Reyes is the only one with real professional experience in education.</p>
<p>“In addition to my 22 years of work experience in education, I have a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership, Educational Specialist degree in Education, and a master’s degree in Business Administration,” Reyes said. “The combination of these degrees allows me to have a deep understanding of the educational system and how we can best serve students.”</p>
<p>He said that it is important to have board members who have vast experience in teaching and educational administration because being a board member means serving students.</p>
<p>“The ‘clients’ of school districts are children,” Reyes said. “When educating children, there is no margin of error. The goal is to successfully provide a quality education for all children. There needs to be people that know, understand, and have experience in education to be able to make the right decisions for students. Board members need to ask the right questions of the superintendent and provide meaningful feedback,” he added.</p>
<p>“Having worked as a classroom teacher and as a school administrator for many years this provides me with a ‘big picture’ vision of the needs of the district. However, I also know what is needed in the classroom, the everyday challenges teachers have, the needs of parents, and most importantly, I know how children learn and what they need to become successful,” Reyes said.</p>
<p>The other two candidates are perennial candidate Willard “Doc” Howard, and Joshua Smith who list his profession as epidemiologist. Reyes warned that voters can’t risk electing someone with no professional background in education to the Chula Vista schools governing board.</p>
<p>“We cannot afford to have people with absolutely no experience or knowledge in education making decisions for thousands of students,” he said. “It is frightening to think that people in completely different fields who have never been in the classroom, that don’t know or understand the different programs for students, and are completely disconnected from students, teachers, and parents, make decisions regarding the academic future of students.”</p>
<p>Also, as far as we can tell, Reyes is the only Latino candidate in this race. Given that the majority of the students in the district are of Latino origin, it makes sense to have a Latino perspective in Seat 5.</p>
<p>“One of the key elements in teaching is making instruction engaging and relevant,” Reyes said. “This cannot happen if the people making decisions have no connection with the Latino community. CVESD has over 60 percent of Latino parents and students. A significant percentage of this population falls in the at-risk group. I understand the culture, needs, challenges, and opportunities of this population and I am committed to continue providing support for the Latino community and all other at-risk populations in order to close the achievement gap.”</p>
<p>Reyes, who currently works as a principal of an alternative middle/high school, has been endorsed by the teachers’ and classified employees’ unions, and by many educators and elected officials throughout San Diego County.</p>
<p>Reyes said that these “endorsements mean trust” because “throughout my career I have been able to gain the trust of countless people and organizations for this job. It means that I am able to work and collaborate well with others and that I value the input of all stakeholders.”</p>
<p>Regarding the recent contract agreement between the teachers’ union and the school district, Reyes said that he is all about “rebuilding trust on all sides.”</p>
<p>“It is important to improve the moral of teachers and parents. An important component of rebuilding trust is respecting teachers. I am committed to actively listening to all stakeholders and avail myself to teachers, parents, and community members,” he said.</p>
<p>But in addition to his vast experience as an educator, Reyes said the biggest asset he will bring to the Chula Vista Elementary School District governing board is his “deep and genuine care for students.”</p>
<p>“I chose this profession because it is my passion. I plan to serve all stakeholders of CVESD with that same passion,” Reyes said.</p>
<p>To learn more about Dr. Eduardo Reyes’ candidacy for Seat 5 of the Chula Vista Elementary School District, please visit <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p&gt;

Pablo Jaime Sainz