Student Recants Ebola Story

CHULA VISTA – A student came to class today and informed the instructor that she and her family members had been quarantined because of possible exposure to Ebola.

The instructor notified the dean who notified campus health services. The areas in the vicinity of the 470 building of the Chula Vista campus were cordoned off by campus police as a precaution. During that time, those behind the cordoned off areas were provided food and water and had access to the restrooms.

A safety alert was sent via text to all students and staff at approximately 12:15 pm. Additional emails and phone communications were sent at the same time.

Southwestern College officials spoke with staff at county Public Health Services. College officials were informed that there has been no report from any hospital in the county that anyone is being investigated for, or is being quarantined for Ebola. County health officials said it was safe to release those behind the cordoned off areas. The cordoned off areas were reopened at 1 pm.

County health officials confirmed the college nurse followed protocols for potential infectious disease.

At approximately 1:45 pm the student recanted the story that she and her family had been exposed to the Ebola virus. The student confirmed no member of her family has been in the hospital.

This is now a student conduct matter and will be treated in accordance with the district’s policy and procedures.

Staff worked quickly to assess and address the situation. The safety of our students, staff and college community are paramount.
