Olga Diaz is the only logical choice for Mayor of Escondido!


For the Hispanic community of Escondido there is only one choice for Mayor of Escondido and that is Olga Diaz. For the rest of the community Olga Diaz is the only logical choice when it comes to the future of Escondido.

For the Hispanic community that has had to live under the xenophobic leadership of the present Mayor, Sam Abed who is up for re-election, there is no other choice.

Abed has supported and/or endorsed police check points under the guise of DUI traffic stops, sometimes at 9:30 in the morning, to oust immigrants. Along with the traffic stops there were the abusive towing fees that were charged and from which the city made a profit. Abed was a participant of police drive-a-longs with immigration officials. There was a city ordinance that barred landlords from renting to immigrants without papers. He supported the joint operations between the police and ICE agents where routine traffic stops would turn into an immigration issue. And the list goes on.

Nationally the City of Escondido has a reputation of the being a city that verges on racist!

For the Hispanic community voting for Olga Diaz is the only choice! To see Abed re-elected would only endorse his xenophobic leadership with his attitudes allowed to continue on.

For the community in general Escon-dido is a changing community. The Hispanic community comprises 52% of the population and growing, and there will be a convergence of the communities. No longer will it be a city dominated by the white power structure.

Olga Diaz is a reflection of the changing community. A mother, a wife, and a business person, her family is multi-culture with her being married to an Anglo-American. Her children are a mix of the two cultures.

Olga Diaz is educated with a Bachelor’s degree and has served on the city council for two terms.

What Olga Diaz is not, is a radical, wide eye politician who wants to make sweeping changes. Instead she is a common sense leader who wants to shed a new light on her city. She wants an inclusive city that moves forward with understanding and compassion for the complexities of a diverse city. Escondido needs leadership that understands that the Hispanic community is there to stay, instead of a mayor working to alienate and marginalize this community.

The voters of Escondido can move this city forward into the next century and Vote for Olga Diaz as Mayor of Escondido. Time of a new attitude and new leadership!
