Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyAdrianaaa!!! Like Rocky Balboa of the movies, Oceanside Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, and statewide chairman for Hispanic Outreach for the the Republican Party, took one on the chin this week when he held a fundraiser with special guest Pete Wilson!!! Yup the same Pete Wilson who went on an anti-Hispanic vendetta and single-handily destroyed the Republican Party in Califias!!!

Rocky if you are going to try and attract Hispanics to the Party you don’t go and hang out with the devil incarnate and have him as your special guest!!! What an insult to the Hispanic community. Que lastima, we like Rocky but this is a huge step backwards for him…

Remember the good old days when we had two, count them two Hispanics as directors within President Obama’s cabinet??? Now we have one, Tom Pérez as Secretary of the Department of Labor. And now we are supposed to get excited over the second appointment, Katherine Archuleta (is she related to that young singer on American Idol?) as the new director of the Office of Personnel Management, which means she is head of the HR dept… a nice gig but not exactly a cabinet position…. Secreatary of Labor and director of Personnel Management hmmm is there a trend here, Hispanics good enough for the labor industry but not good enough for the decision making positions???

Mayoral hopeful David Alvarez has raised $200,000, that and more than a million spent on this campaign by outside groups…. You draw your own conslusions…. Of course he is not alone in this trend all three major candidates being heavily supported by special interest groups.

Latino groups still fuming about Ray Suarez and PBS, again the deal is that PBS didn’t do enough to keep him… in the meantime Suarez has moved on quite nicely landing a big time gig with Al Jazeera America with a daily talk show, something he couldn’t do at PBS…

For those unfamiliar with Al Jazeera America it is a basic cable and satellite news television channel that is owned by the Qatar-based Al Jazeera Media Network, and evidently has a limitless amount of money to spend… Several prominent news personal have signed on the with the network, which hopes to challenge the likes of Fox News. If they want to do that they may want to change their name… ratings haven’t been so good…
