Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyGovernment shut down no big deal to the politicians… while hundreds of thousands are out of work and not drawing a paycheck the politicians continue to get paid. To them it is no big deal, shutting down the government, as long as they are paid. You attach their pay to the shut down and you will see how fast they get a budget done…

Heard some unsettling rumors about one of the mayoral candidates who may have some of the issues that started the Filner scandal… so far just rumors no real proof, this person can’t jeopardize her job over this…. Were have we heard this before…

Hissspucknic politics rears its ugly head once again…. Rachel Ortiz, Gus Chavez and some lady who we don’t know, threw their collective weight (???) in support of Nathan Fletcher. Their big beef with David Alvarez was that he negotiated a compromise with community plan without consulting them???

Me thinks that the problem with Rachel Ortiz is that she hasn’t gotten over the fact that Alvarez was instrumental in see that the Barrio Station didn’t get their $308,000 from the city community block grant monies…. At that time Alvarez said “People are being left out, particularly people who really need the funding,”

Ortiz for a long time has been the big chingo down there and was used to politicans kissing her ring… that was until Alvarez showed up creating a new world order…

It could be all for nothing. The mayor’s race could be over in the primary. If one politican gets 50+ of the vote it is over. Right now the Democrats are fighting over the Hispanic vote and in the meantime Kevin Faulconer the only prominent Republican has the Republican vote pretty much all to himself, he could win on that vote alone.

Mike Aguirre has been pretty quiet which reflects his new kinder gentler slef… I think I liked the old fiery Aguirre better, at least then he was interesting and he attracted attention and voters… now we are not sure what we got in Aguirre. Que lastima!!
