Tezozomoc Speaks

Kudos to Bob Filner who got his dream job – Mayor of San Diego. Filner has always wanted to be mayor and he waited for the right opportunity, and he won. Of course he had the help of Carl DeMaio who ran a polarizing campaign which didn’t sit well with the middle of the road voters.

Another mistake DeMaio made was that he wasn’t able to get the Gay community behind him. He made the mistake of alienating that community by telling them he wasn’t a Gay candidate but a candidate for all of San Diego, that and the fact he got cozy with Roger Hedgecock who spends much of his time bashing the Gay community….

DeMaio gave up his council seat to run for mayor so now he has only days left on the city council and already is looking for his next gig… Towards that end he wrote a piece about saving the Republican Party that appeared in an Orange County newspaper… in Orange County DeMaio will find a lot more like minded folks up there, so don’t be surprised if DeMaio moves north!

What can you say about San Ysidro, it has always been sort of a forgotten part of the City that seems to operate in their own little world. Corruption seems to be a way of life down there going way back… this latest pedo is just another of many. Of course this one is a little spicer with boardmember Marquez-Maden looking for a contractor to buy her a home…. At least she is not going to go down for measly $2500.

Community calling wanting to know what to do about the situation, yo no digo nada, just watch the rats run around as they rush to tell their side of the story to the FBI so that don’t get caught up in this mess…. if the FBI is involved that is a federal offense and they don’t play games, the local politicos don’t have much pull with the Feds as they would with a local district attorney let’s say for example….
