Tezozomoc Speaks

Carl DeMaio crowed that former Democrat Party Chair, Art Castañares, had come aboard uniting the community… Castañares is no more Democrat than my mezcal is for medicinal purposes only. Castañares was a democrat years ago but that is a distant memory…

Castañares once told el Jefe a long time ago that part of the reason he was a Republican was because the Democrats are happy to run a good race based on ideals and lose, while Republicans run to win…

Castañares has had many ups and downs in his career… his latest flim flam was selling the San Ysidro School District a multi-million dollar contract to install solar panels, and not installing one panel, years later, when the district finally caught on and cancelled the contract. Castañares sued the district for $16 million for breach of contract. I guess the fact that not one panel had been installed over a 4 year period or the fact that Castañares’ company is not actually in the solar business does not seem to be an issue with Castañares….

There is an old saying you can tell the type of man a person is by the people you surround yourself with…. This goes a long way in describe DeMaio….

National City Senior Services Center had a water main break disaster this week running the offices and food services building which meant that National City seniors would be stuck eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches… to the rescue came the Neighborhood House Association whose kitchen services stepped up and will provide the seniors with their meals until the Senior Services program is back on the feet….

Anaheim protesting over the shooting of a Hispanic in the back is not an isolated incident… trouble like this happens over time… tensions build until finally the community says: ya basta!

Same thing happened in Vista when the sheriffs shot three Hispanics over a five day period in 2005… anger simmered until it blew-up months later at a May Day immigration rally and it erupted into violence…

Little noted in the Mitt Romeny gaff over the cultural difference between Israel and Palestine was that Mitt also described the difference between Mexico and the United States on the same cultural terms terms: “I find a dramatic, intense difference in economic vitality. And that is also true of other countries that are near each other or together, Chile and Ecuador, Mexico and the United States.”

If Mitt considers Mexico culturally inferio this doesn’t bode well for US/Mexico relations if Mitt is elected President…
