Castle Park Middle School Parents Fighting Back!

<figure id="attachment_26156" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-26156" style="width: 344px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-26156"><img loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-26156 " alt="Parents of Castle Park Middle students rally in support of their Principal Robert Bleisch." src="…; width="344" height="258" srcset="… 1024w,… 300w,… 1800w" sizes="(max-width: 344px) 100vw, 344px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-26156" class="wp-caption-text">Parents of Castle Park Middle students rally in support of their Principal Robert Bleisch.</figcaption></figure>
<p>After having to read all the negative stories about their principal, Robert Bleisch, and seeing him put on administrative leave at Castle Park Middle School, parents and teachers decided it was time to fight back and show support for their principal.</p>
<p>At a rally held in front of the school on Wednesday, they released a joint statement in English and Spanish stating that they are proud of the tremendous accomplishments the students have achieved over the past three years with Principal Bleisch and would like to see his return. Activist single parent Cynthia Gonzalez said that her daughter’s life was turned around by Bleisch. She confidently stated: “I believe in justice and that Mr. Bleisch will return to Castle Park Middle. He is a father to the fatherless.”</p>
<p>Parents are confused about what is happening at Castle Park Middle.</p>
<p>A complaint was filed with the Sweetwater Union High School District and as is standard practice, Bleisch was put on administrative leave until the investigation is complete. As with all personnel matters, this information is confidential.</p>
<p>What has the parents really upset is that they feel that their principal is being tried in the media and that all the positives of his administration are being overlooked.</p>
<p>The parents point to the rise in the school’s API score which has risen from 750 points to 802 points, the growth in the CST scores, and the near 100% school attendance. Parent Eric Chappel said, “Bleisch has made all of the difference here.</p>
<p>He puts students first and welcomes parents to be part of the team. Just look at our campus. There used to be police cars here every week and gang symbols. Now we proudly post our test scores for all to see and banners from colleges from across the country and there are 35-40 students in the new skate club. Bleisch is an incredible motivator with vision and confidence in our youth.”</p>
<p>At the rally for Bleisch, parents there wanted to show that they the parents of the students at the school support all the good that their principal has done and want to see him back at their school.</p>
<p>The rally also has the support of a parent led Facebook page, Bring Bleisch Back, that in one short week has already garnered 540 likes.</p>
<p>In an email to Dr. Brand, SUHSD superintendent, parent Scott Anderson writes: “This system held my daughter accountable, encouraged her to work hard, awarded her when she did achieve her goals, and gave her her self esteem back… Mr. Bleisch was a cheerleader, an advocate for the students, a motivator, a thinker, encouraging the teachers, and always believed in the students… as far as I can tell, all this mess started because of the community’s interest in a charter.</p>
<p>I attended [the] informational meeting for the [Stephen Hawking] charter and got accosted by union teachers. They were almost blocking the driveway, yelling their point of view, and handing out propaganda to parents and students. It seems like, from the outside, this is a witch hunt trying derail progress and competition. Don’t let the union control my daughter’s education. Please don’t let teachers, who don’t want to be held accountable destroy good administrators.</p>
<p>Please allow parents in lower income communities have a choice in their education. Please help me be proud of SUHSD.”</p>

Daniel Muñoz