Young local pastry chef shares her love for baking

<figure id="attachment_25251" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-25251" style="width: 243px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-25251"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-25251" alt="Priscilla Coronado with her delicious pumpkin cake." src="…; width="243" height="300"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-25251" class="wp-caption-text">Priscilla Coronado with her delicious pumpkin cake.</figcaption></figure>
<p>It was her Christian faith and her love for baking that helped Priscilla Coronado turn a dream into a home-based business.</p>
<p>At just 21 years of age, this past November the Chula Vista resident was able to open her own pastry service, Bocaditos del Cielo, where she’s known for her homemade pastry products that go from delicious cookies to laminated dough.</p>
<p>“I really enjoy doing what I do; with God by my side and the support I get from my family I have been motivated to make this dream of mine come true,” Coronado said. “Day and night I think of what I will bake next and what else I can come up with. It hasn’t been easy, but all the struggles have been worth it to be where I am now.”</p>
<p>Coronado is currently attending Southwestern College, where she’s majoring in Culinary Arts.</p>
<p>“I’m still learning and have a long way to go,” she said. “Moving forward with all this is what I want to do, because I know this is just the beginning of a bright and prosperous future.”</p>
<p>But that prosperous future had very humble beginnings.</p>
<p>Coronado was raised in a Christian family, and the good morals and values she learned at home, she was able to focus in positive things, like her love for baking.</p>
<p>“I have to say I am very thankful for having the opportunity of growing up in a Christian home,” she said. “I have been taught good morals and values, and thanks to that and my parents guidance toward God, I am where I am now, and that is all I need to prosper and succeed with my business. This isn’t only for me, but also for the people that I love and have been with me, my family.”</p>
<p>Since she was a child, Coronado said she has been experimenting in the kitchen, starting with simple items, such as cookies.</p>
<p>“I can say that as a little girl I enjoyed baking, even though I didn’t know as much as I do now,” she said. “I always had that in me of baking cookies and cakes; and now I enjoy it even more.”</p>
<p>Some of the things she bakes for her costumers, which are increasing everyday, are:</p>
<p>· Strudels: homemade puff pastry layered with cream, and topped with fresh fruit.<br>
· Cream horns: homemade puff pastry shell filled with cream and topped with a chocolate covered strawberry.<br>
· Antojo de papa: Thin cake filled with cajeta and coconut, rolled into a log and covered in caramel, topped with nuts, and maraschino cherries.</p>
<p>“I focus my business in providing mini-pastries for parties,” Coronado said. “This way guest can taste different sweets and not miss out on the other sweet goods.”</p>
<p>The antojo de papa has been selling very well this Christmas season because it is the perfect dessert for holiday celebrations, she said.</p>
<p>But if you’re craving for something more light but sweet and good, her 4-layered pumpkin cake works as well. The cake is layered with a pumpkin cream filling and topped with caramel and chopped nuts.</p>
<p>With so much flavor and God’s blessings, it is no surprise that Priscilla Coronado and her Bocaditos del Cielo are headed towards better things.</p>
<p>“Although I recently started my business at home, I am making plans to settle myself in a local place,” she said. “It hasn’t been long since I opened my business, but I can say that as a start I am doing really well. Orders come in and I just wait for more to come in.”</p>
<p>If you would like to contact Priscilla Coronado to learn how to place an order, contact her at Bocaditos del Cielo at (619) 518-6111.</p>
<p>Priscilla Coronado, owner and pastry chef at Bocaditos del Cielo, wants to share this recipe with La Prensa San Diego readers. Enjoy!</p>
<p><strong>Bread pudding Recipe</strong></p>
2 cups Granulated sugar<br>
5 whole eggs (beaten)<br>
2 cups milk<br>
2 tsp. Vanilla extract<br>
3-4 C stale bread (cut in large cubes)</p>
<p>Place bread in large bowl, mix eggs, sugar, and milk, and vanilla extract in another bowl, and once incorporated pour over bread and let it sit in the refrigerator for an 1 ½ hrs.</p>
<p><em>Streusel for bread</em><br>
½ cup brown sugar<br>
¼ cup unsalted butter (room temperature)<br>
1 cup chopped pecans</p>
<p>Crumble butter and sugar together and once it holds well, mix in chopped pecans and mix until it holds together.</p>
<p><em>Instructions to bake bread pudding</em><br>
Take bread out of the fridge when the 1 ½ hr. has been done, and pour in a 9″x 13″ Rectangular Cake Pan, then sprinkle streusel (evenly) on top of the bread bake for 45 minute ( or stick a toothpick in until it comes out clean) @ 350f. Cool and serve with vanilla ice cream and caramel any ice cream caramel sauce topping.</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz