Tezozomoc Speaks

Tezzy is going to be short but sweet this week. 

  Southwestern college considering PLAs, union friendly contracts, comes as no surprise with the board dominated with union friendly members. Look to see more union friendly actions taken by the board over the next few years. 

  Sweetwater Union High School District board is considering district only elections, they will vote on this Monday the 19th. Some say this is a movida to get rid of Berth Lopez….. 

  At least SUHSD did the right thing in by cutting ties with the lawyer Bonnie Garcia… sort of… Garcia will be tasked with drawing up the new districts if school board approves the change. 

  We knew that if Denise Ducheny got in a race against Juan Vargas, for Congress, that it would be a donnybrook, but hijole we didn’t think it would get this nasty so fast, so soon. Vargas already attacking Ducheny for drinking and driving. You know Al Ducheny, Denise’s husband and campaign manager of past campaigns is not going to take this lying down… stay tuned this going to get nasty….
