Immigration bill 2013: Immigration vote may wait until October, Paul Ryan says

By SEUNG MIN KIM | 7/26/13 4:53 PM EDT

If you’re expecting floor action on immigration in the House, you may have to wait until October.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told attendees at a town hall in Racine, Wis., that his chamber could start voting on immigration bills that month – pushing the timeline for action in the House even further back.

“Tentatively, in October, we’re going to vote on a border security bill, an interior enforcement bill, a bill for legal immigration,” Ryan said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The Republican-led House will also move on legislation for “people who are undocumented,” Ryan said.

A spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), whose office sets the House floor schedule, said Friday that there are “no scheduling announcements to make.” A spokesman for Ryan said in an email that the Wisconsin Republican was noting “his preference for legislative action to fix our broken immigration system.”

The House Judiciary Committee has cleared four separate pieces of legislation that would overhaul different corners of the immigration system, while the House Homeland Security Committee has passed a border-security bill that has earned bipartisan support.

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