Boehner’s immigration win-win

By , Published: July 1 E-mail the writer
The Washington Post

Of course it’s amnesty. The whole point of comprehensive immigration reform is to bring 11 million undocumented men, women and children out of the shadows, which means giving them some kind of legal status, which amounts to amnesty. Otherwise, why bother?So the Senate did the sensible thing last week and passed a bill allowing law-abiding immigrants who are here without papers to stay — and eventually become citizens. Whether the House follows suit may depend on whether Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has finally had his fill of Washington’s most thankless job.

Seems to me it should be an easy call. Leading the House Republican majority is like trying to get a bunch of cats to do synchronized swimming. Surely Boehner’s gluttony for punishment has limits.

I say all this despite the fact that Boehner has already ruled out the simplest course of action, which would produce the best outcome for the nation and also boost the prospects of the Republican Party: Bring the Senate bill up for a vote.For the full story please follow this link.