NPR Sends Out a Word of Caution for People Looking for Immigration Lawyers

<figure id="attachment_22655" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-22655" style="width: 144px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-22655"><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-22655" alt="David Weil" src="…; width="144" height="179"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-22655" class="wp-caption-text">David Weil</figcaption></figure>
<p>Recent news has been filled with stories about immigration reform, as this appears to be the next big issue that Congress will attempt to tackle over the forthcoming summer. It’s not going to be easy, it won’t be free from frustration for many people and it will likely lead to a diluted result that will be difficult for many people to understand. It will also certainly lead to the need for legal help for millions of people who will need to begin to follow the steps laid out by whatever new law is enacted.</p>
<p>This phenomenon is one that could be similar to what occurred after 9/11, in that immigration lawyers will soon be in very high demand. Obviously, this demand will arise for different reasons, but people will still need help and advice. Unfortunately, there appears right now to be a few problems with the legal industry’s ability to meet this demand. Specifically, there may not be enough immigration lawyers to help everyone who needs it and there could be some out there who take advantage of the desperation felt by unauthorized immigrants and lead them towards a path of disappointment and additional legal problems.</p>
<p>Those are the concerns that were brought up recently in a report that was published by NPR. It detailed what is happening in Iowa right now and how legitimate immigration lawyers are working to clean up messes created by people who did not provide the type of legal help that people thought they were getting. This is an unfortunate circumstance and one that people will need to be wary of as they encounter the need to take whatever steps Congress defines so that they can remain in this country legally and openly. The situation will likely be the same or perhaps worse in California.</p>
<p>That’s why anyone who could be potentially affected by the immigration reform issue should not wait until a law is passed and these standards are defined. Instead, people in this position should be proactive and begin to work with an immigration lawyer now so that when something does happen, that attorney can simply spring into action and make sure that whatever needs to be done is done quickly and properly.</p>
<p>People facing this situation should also take some time now to do some research. The Internet will provide much in the way of information regarding almost any immigration lawyer, and that includes the ability to review professional records that are kept by bar associations and licensing authorities in addition to the BBB. This will help people avoid falling into scams where they lose their money and perhaps their ability to remain in the United States as a result.</p>
<p>If you are facing the need to take action because of this reform, you can give yourself some peace of mind now by contacting the experienced attorneys at Golden State Law Group to schedule a Free initial consultation.</p>

David Well