Hijole, Arizona feeling the pinch of the Boycott. Phoenix hotels have lost $11.8 million to conference cancellations since SB 1070 became law. Local businesses are feeling the pain and good old governor Brewer had to create a tourism task force to combat all the boycot talk, of course, all her talk about headless bodies in the desert didn’t help the tourism industry much. Sí se puede… keep up the boycott!!!

   So they are going to build a bridge from the Tijuana Airport over the border to Otay Mesa??? Well one thing is for sure, Cong. Duncan Hunter Jr is no where near like his dad. The retired congressman, Hunter Sr., would have never allowed this bridge to get built. Hunter Sr. spent his long career killing any ideas of construction along the border except for more and bigger fences.

   Speaking of building a bridge over the border, what about that fence there between the Tijuana airport and Otay??? Are they going to tear down the fence they just built that cost about $3 million per mile to build or just go over it??? That sounds about par for government work spend millions to build something only to tear it down a couple of years later to build something else that will cost millions more…. And you wonder why there is a budget deficit!

   A Blast From the Past: Old Chula Vista mayor Tim Nader has decided to come out of hibernation and get back into politics. Nader has thrown his hat in the Southwestern Community College Board race – seat no. 5. Seems his main goal is too get on the board in order to fire the president – Chopra.

   Also joining the fray is one time Sweetwater Union High School board member Jaime Mercado; his main motivation is that he doesn’t like the incumbent Jorge Dominguez.

   Greg Sandoval one time President of Southwestern College is licking his chops hoping that a new board gets elected and Chopra is out. Sandoval has his wandering eye on the job…. how else can you explain that he forgot to file his papers to run for re-election at Sweetwater???? There is an old saying about counting your chickens before they hatch.

   Termed out city council person John McCann of Chula Vista doesn’t want his folks to forget him over the next four years as he waits for his chance to run for mayor, so he decided to run for Sweetwater school board…. as it turns out, for the seat that Sandoval forgot to file his papers for??? Hmmm… maybe some backroom wheeling and dealing going on here???

   Finally doing something has been done about the blighted, dilapidated, chain-linked fenced lot on the SE corner of 3rd Avenue and E Street in Chula Vista. What should have been a welcoming, attractive space has remained an embarrassment to the city for too many years to count. We see that the city recently replaced the chain link fence with a more attractive wooden one, and have noticed some work being done. We’ll have to watch this corner to see what develops (or doesn’t)…

            El Jefe editorialized on Obama’s education policy last week … must have caught someone’s attention, the Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan, had a tele-conference and the editor received a call with a special invite to call in. El editor has received many tele-conference notices before but never a personal call to join in…. somebody is reading La Prensa!!!
