Canada’s Idle No More Indigenous Movement Sets Stage for Latin American Involvement

<p>Idle No More (INM), started in late 2012 as an aboriginal movement to block regressive legislation threatening indigenous, territorial and treaty claims in Canada, has quickly become a worldwide vehicle for indigenous peoples’ rights and environmental complaints. By early 2013 It has attracted significant attention from Latin American quarters.<br>
Participants have availed themselves of an array of social media to further their causes, deriving inspiration and impetus from Mexico’s Zapatistas’ Dec. 21 occupation of Chiapas state’s municipal plazas.</p>
<p><strong>Canada’s Call</strong></p>
<p>The INM mobilization began as a response to the efforts of Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper and his Conservative Party to pass omnibus legislation —or a wide-reaching law— repealing protections afforded to First Nations and natural resources, among other things.</p>
<p>On Nov. 10, the movement launched with an event in Saskatchewan Province prepared by Indian rights advocates Jessica Gordon, Sheelah McLean, Sylvia McAdams and Nina Wilsonfeld. Today Idle No More has gone viral, largely due to publicity shared on the digital moccasin telegraph.</p>
<p>INM gained momentum with demonstrations breaking out across Canada and abroad after Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation community in Canada’s Ontario Province lent her support to the movement by going on a hunger strike Dec. 10, during the National Day of Action called to celebrate the end of the first month of protest.</p>
<p>Bill C-45, the omnibus legislation, contained amendments to the Indian Act facilitating the surrender of indigenous reserves. The amendments called for removing a requirement that all members of First Nations be involved in referendums about land proposals.</p>
<p>A provision funding changes of the Navigable Waters Protection Act entailed giving 99 percent of lake and river water to industry. Changes to the Fisheries Act were destined to eliminate critical environmental safeguards and review processes for natural resource exploitation.</p>
<p>The entire set of proposals stemmed from a political climate of increasing government restrictions on access to environmental information and public participation in Canada’s decision-making processes.</p>
<p>Demonstrators in North America utilized the recently popularized flash-mob format of protest, consisting of nearly spontaneous gatherings at shopping malls, where hand drums, singers and circle dancing frequently helped to express resistance.</p>
<p>INM organizers called on “all nations to drum and sing across Turtle Island on the solstice Dec. 21, 2012 for a global synchronized spiritual awakening.”</p>
<p>Despite the hullabaloo, Bill C-45 passed into law as part of the 2012 Jobs and Growth Act in late December. It was a budget implementation measure. Like the June 2012 Jobs Act, it enlarged on an amalgam of legal instruments to destroy the environment. Each bill contained some 450 pages, prompting critics’ assertions that lawmakers neither read nor understood the wording.</p>
<p>Although Harper agreed to end the hunger strike by meeting with Spence and the officially recognized Assembly of First Nations on Jan. 11, all INM’s activity failed to achieve a simultaneous audience with the Crown’s representative, Gov. Gen. David Johnston, who holds sway over land rights decisions.</p>
<p>So Spence and fellow fasters continued their vigil for a total of six weeks until Jan. 24, when the Assembly of First Nations, together with the Liberal and New Democrat Party caucuses, committed to actively support the demands of the action.</p>
<p>Dissidents went on to gather more than 1,030 signatures on an Internet petition for delivery Feb. 28 to Harper and the Conservative Party, stating:</p>
<p>“We, the Canadian people, want the government to revisit Omnibus Bill C-45, take out the re-designation of aboriginal land rights, and re-protect our navigable waterways, lakes and rivers.”</p>
<p>In the meantime, over the weekend of Jan. 5-6, protestors took to the international boundary crossings between Canada and the United States, slowing down traffic to raise their points. They scheduled a Jan. 28 Idle No More World Day of Action.</p>
<p><strong>Latinos Join Idle No More</strong></p>
<p>Before long, demonstrators organized solidarity actions in the U.S. states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin, among others.</p>
<p>Activists in European, African, and Asian nations also took part. While Idle No More rallies were scarce in the Americas south of the U.S. border, the many Latin Americans of indigenous descent who find themselves in the United States and Canada jumped on board.</p>
<p>They are flying the banner of decolonization from the streets of East Los Angeles to the snow banks of Edmonton. Latin American Researchers of Ontario has organized Latino/as in Solidarity with Idle No More, attracting the support of the Canadian Hispanic Congress, Toronto’s Casa Maíz, Edmonton’s Latin American Community Engagement Network, Memoria Viva and The Community Networks Group; the Canadian Revista Latinoamericana Refundación; Arizona’s One Voice Radio, and Massachusetts’ Latino Rebels.</p>
<p>The extended reach of the INM movement has forged alliances across racial lines and widened the focus of activities to include related struggles. Original demands for indigenous autonomy, tribal sovereignty and self-determination have broadened; opposition to fracking and horizontal drilling for oil and tar-sands oil pipeline proposals are among the top U.S. Native American environmental concerns incorporated in the movement platform. Human rights issues addressed include migrants’ and Australian aboriginals’ concerns.</p>
<p>Still gaining momentum five months after inception, Idle No More participants are set to celebrate the “native spring” with a Global Day of Ceremony and Resurgence on March 20, Vancouver’s Annual Community March Against Racism March 23, and Buffy Sainte Marie’s Indigenous “No Tar-Sands” Concert in Oklahoma March 24, as well as teach-ins in various cities throughout the month.</p>
<p>The scene is set for the great potential of much further participation from Latin American activists.</p>

Talli Nauman