Rest in Peace Tina C de Baca


It is with great sadness that we must say goodbye and God rest to Tina C de Baca.

Tina passed away this past week. With her passed a little of La Prensa San Diego history. Tina, long known for her Chicano and political activism, was a big supporter of our publisher, Daniel L. Munoz. She believed in his dream of a bilingual newspaper for the community. She was one of our original supporters and contributors who helped the vision of La Prensa San Diego become a reality.

Back in the ‘70s, Tina was active in many of the causes of the time from MEChA to the Chicano Federation. Tina understood the importance of a political voice. Not only a supporter of La Prensa, she was also one of the founding members of the Committee on Chicano Rights (CCR). It was through her tireless efforts and struggle that she fought to protect the rights of the community and our people.

Without the support of Tina C de Baca, it could very well be that La Prensa San Diego would not have had the financial support to get started. Without Tina there may not have been a La Prensa San Diego and for this we will forever be grateful to her.

¡Que Descanse en Paz!

Daniel H. Munoz, Jr.

