Political Notes:

Se Anuncia Horario Especial del Módulo del Instituto Federal electoral en el Consulado para Registrarse en la Lista de Nominal de Electores residentes en el Extranjero 

El Consulado General de México informa que el módulo del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) que funciona en sus instalaciones tendrá un horario especial esta semana para atender solicitudes de registro a la Lista Nominal de Electores Residentes en el Extranjero, a fin de que las personas intere-sadas puedan votar en las elecciones presidenciales de este año.

En virtud de que la fecha límite para el registro es el domingo 15 de enero, el módulo del IFE estará abierto el jueves 12 y el viernes 13 de enero de 7 de la mañana a 2 de la tarde. El sábado el módulo estará abierto de las 9 de la mañana a la 1 de la tarde para recibir y ayudar a completar las solicitudes de registro. La dirección del Consulado es 1549 India Street, San Diego, CA 92101

El sitio internet del IFE www.votoextranjero.org.mx detalla los requisitos y el procedimiento para el registro a la Lista Nominal de Electores Residentes en el Extranjero.

También se puede llamar sin costo por teléfono a los núme-ros 1-866-986-8303 o al 1-877-343-3639 para más información.

SD GOP Candidates Invited by a Joint Venture of Asian and Hispanic Republicans

BY E. Enriquez

A special engagement on January 26, 2012, Thursday at 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. will be the highlight to meet San Diego Republican candidates. It will be the first notable collaboration in San Diego County for the Hispanic American Republicans and the Asian American Republicans to meet and greet candidates. The event will be held at the Sunrise Buffet on 3860 Convoy Street, #121.

The candidates will have the chance to speak briefly for three minutes. The organizers will allow questions and answers from the audience if time permits but will have the moderator check viable questions pertinent to the Hispanic American and Asian American communities.

After the joint meeting, an endorsement process for a GOP candidate will take place and for those who are running alone in their political races.

The following candidates for 2012: Ray Ellis, San Diego City Council, District 1; Mark Kersey, San Diego City Council, District 5; Scott Sherman, San Diego City Council, District 7; Steve Danon, San Diego County Board of Supervisors, District 3; Marie Waldron, State Assembly District, District 75th; David Berry, Superior Court Judge, Seat 24; Andrew Valencia, South Bay Water District, Seat 5; Rocky Chavez, State Assembly, District 76th.

The buffet dinner is $11.99 per person. RSVP suggested but entrance to the event can be purchased at the door.

For further info contact: Delores Chavez at latinogopsd@gmail.com, Randy Rodriguez at randylbc@gmail.com, Julio de Guzman at julio.deguzman@gmail.com or Joe Long at joesd2000@yahoo.com.


First San Diego Mayoral Candidate Debate of 2012

WHEN: Friday, January 13, 5 – 6 p.m.

WHERE: U.S. Grant Hotel, 326 Broadway, San Diego

WHO: Councilman Carl De-Maio, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Congressman Bob Filner, Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher. Moderator: Bill Os-borne, U-T San Diego.

WHAT: the Lincoln Club of San Diego County, San Diego County Taxpayers Association, and the City Club of San Diego collaborate to present the first candidate debate of 2012 featuring the major candidates running for Mayor of San Diego. U-T San Diego Editorial Page Senior Editor Bill Osborne will moderate the hour-long forum, and questions will be asked by a panel of reporters.

The debate is sponsored by the Lincoln Club of San Diego County.
