Seventh Annual City College International Book Fair

“We read banned books,” is the theme of the Seventh Annual San Diego City College International Book Fair, which will feature three Chicano authors who have been banned in Arizona as part of the prohibition on ethnic studies there. Other Latino authors will include Gustavo Arellano and Reyna Grande.

The free event, which runs Oct. 1-6 during National Banned Books Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 6), will include a talk on the history of banned books in the United States and readings of banned book excerpts by City College faculty and staff.

Readings and book signings will be held Oct. 6 with the three banned authors: Rudy Acuña, a pioneer in Chicano Studies and author of Occupied America; Matt de la Peña, a young adult literature writer and author of Mexican White Boy; and Herbert Sigüenza, a founder and member of the comedy troupe, Culture Clash, and author of Culture Clash: Life, Death and Revolutionary Comedy

Earlier in the week, on Monday, Oct. 1, the fair will feature Grande, who writes about the Mexican immigrant experience and will read and sign her new memoir, The Distance Between Us, at 12:45 p.m.

Southern California and award-winning writer Susan Straight will read and sign her latest work, Between Heaven and Here, at 9:35 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

On Wednesday, Oct. 3, a panel discussion at 11:15 a.m. will include contributors to The Far East: Everything Just As It Is, an anthology which combines non-fiction and poetry to create a portrait of life in East San Diego County.

Readings and books signings on Thursday, Oct. 4, will include Zohreh Ghahremani, local author of Sky of Red Poppies.

Arellano, editor, food critic, and writer of the humorous column “Ask a Mexican!” for the OC Weekly.

Ghahremani’s presentation will begin at 11:10 a.m. and Arellano will follow at 12:45 p.m. with a reading and signing of his new book, Taco U.S.A.: How Mexican Food Conquered America.

Events from Oct. 1-4 will be held in D121A/B (faculty lounge) on the City College campus.

On Friday night, Oct. 5, the spotlight will be on Lantern Tree: Four Books of Poems, an anthology issued by the college’s own City Works Press, featuring local writers Chris Baron, Heather Eudy, Cali Linfor, and Sabrina Youmans at 7 p.m.

On Saturday, Oct. 6, the fair will highlight the ban on ethnic studies in the Tucson Unified School District with a screening of the documentary, Precious Knowledge, at 10:30 a.m.

In 2010, the Arizona State legislature passed HB 2281 banning courses that “promote resentment toward a race or class of people, are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group,” or “advocate for ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.”

The Friday and Saturday events will be held at the Saville Theatre on C Street between 14th and 15th streets.
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