DCCC Launches New “Mi Congreso Mi Voto” Campaign

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced a new “My Congress My Vote” (“Mi Congreso Mi Voto”) campaign as part of its effort to increase outreach to the Hispanic community and organize Hispanic Americans to elect Democrats to Congress this November. The “My Congress My Vote” campaign is launching as House Republicans double down on their agenda to slash investments in our students and college aid, dramatically cut Medicaid and Medicare, and block the DREAM Act.

At www.MyCongressMyVote.com (Micongresomivoto.com) voters can pledge to vote for Democrats all the way down the ballot, register to vote, and find important grassroots tools to get involved in their community by attending house meetings and spreading the word about the election. The campaign starts with 34 house meetings in targeted Congressional districts with high Hispanic populations to organize local communities in support of the Democratic ticket.

“American voters of Latino descent are critical to the Democratic Party’s success this November, from re-electing President Barack Obama to taking back Congress,” said House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Xavier Becerra.