Police and Civic Group host a Soccer Tournament for children from tough neighborhood

Pictured are some of the volunteers from NC Life Line, OSPD, police officers, and athletes. Photo by Molly A. Lyons

Using soccer to build character and friendships through teamwork, skill, and endurance. Also creating the desire to be the very best they can be on and off the soccer field! This was the main goal for the North County Lifeline, The Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside and the Police Officers who volunteered from the Oceanside Police Department (OSPD).

The children of Oceanside’s Crown Heights Neighborhood regularly play soccer on the front playground area at the Americanization School, which are cramped quarters amongst the playground equipment. Most of them have never played at the Boys and Girls Club Facilities or played on any organized sports teams for various reasons.

The Boys and Girls Club graciously allowed the children from the Crown Heights Neighborhood to experience an actual competitive, organized activity and use their facility for the 1st Annual Crown Heights Soccer Tournament.

The Crown Heights Soccer Tournament was organized to start of the summer season early. It took place at the Boys and Girls Club of Oceanside on June 6, 2012 and started at 3:40 PM. The tournament was a huge success and enjoyed by all who participated.

OSPD officers provided trophies and medals for the participants along with pizza and drinks at the end of the tournament. The award ceremony took place directly after. The overall winners received 1st place trophies, all participants received medals. Soccer balls were presented to the two highest scorers of the tournament.

All involved had a great time and look forward to next year’s tournament!

Organized in 1969, North County Lifeline, Inc. is a non-profit human services organization that offers a wide range of services to the people of North San Diego County. Lifeline’s mission is to “build self-reliance among youth, individuals and families through problem solving, skill-building and accessible community-based services. For more information go to http://nclifeline.org/ or call (760) 757-0118.
