District 6th and 8th Grade Students Rejoice:

District 6th and 8th Grade Students Rejoice: With audiences filled with proud parents and festive balloons, more than 4,000 sixth grade students went through promotion ceremonies at Chula Vista Elementary School District campuses this week. It appears to be the District’s largest sixth grade class, with a whopping 175 students more than last year’s class. The group included 11 students who were recently recognized by the Board of Education for seven years of perfect attendance. Ceremonies included guest commencement speakers, such as Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox, who addressed Harborside Elementary on Thursday. Harborside promoted more than 80 sixth graders (including two in photo with Principal Laura Duran). Sixth graders weren’t the only ones celebrating. The District’s more than 160 charter eighth grade students were promoted to high school.