The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Bensoussan lack of support for Bayfront park out of step with the community

At the end of chapter nine in the classic book, Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck writes about a poor family forced to leave their Midwest home by drought and economic hardship. They are trapped in a hopeless situation and decide to go to California. “The woman sat among the doomed thing turning them over and looking past them and back.”

As they were forced to leave many precious items behind, such as old family books, paintings, dishes and collectibles, one of the old women says. “How can we live without our lives? How will we know it’s us without our past?”

This is a question we must ask also. It is our duty to improve on our common ground without destroying our cultural heritage. Chula Vista residents need a place for the residents to have outdoor concerts, art festivals, humanitarian rallies and sports runs. This is why our community needs the promised Bayfront Signature Park, a place where we can remember our “past Chula Vista Bayfront” and live with our lives.

Pamela Bensoussan’s current lack of support for the “Bayfront signature park” shows she does not care for the ordinary people of Chula Vista. Pamela Bensoussan campaign strategy seems to be to vote with the special outside interest on every issue hoping by election time most ordinary people either never know about it or fail to remember her vote against their well-being. Please think about our Bayfront access when you vote on June 5th.

Jerry Thomas
Chula Vista

Latinos Against DeMaio Speak Out Ahead of Landmark Election

With just a few days until a crucial election for San Diego’s future, members of San Diego’s Latino community have come together to reiterate their opposition to Carl DeMaio’s bid to be the city’s next mayor. In an overwhelming outpouring of activism, more than 100 community members have signed on to the Latinos Against DeMaio coalition in recent weeks.

Carl DeMaio’s corporate agenda has done direct harm to San Diego’s Latino community for years, and it’s important for Latinos to know the truth about DeMaio before voting on June 5th. From attacks on the living wage and other basic worker protections, to the steady erosion of basic public services and attempt to grow the tourism industry without respect for its workers, DeMaio has been bad for Latinos his entire career. Plus, he’s the only councilmember to support Arizona’s AB 1070 law and has said he would have local police officers take on immigration enforcement.

San Diego is at a crossroads, and it’s crucial that our next mayor is truly committed to building a city that works for everyone. If we don’t ensure that everyone has a real opportunity to do well in San Diego and by San Diego, we can never build the city we all deserve. And with so many signing on to the Latinos AgainstDeMaio coalition, it’s important that their concerns be voiced before election day.

Signed by
150 Hispanics
