tezzyLorena Gonzalez was elected on the 21st, retired from her union job on the 22nd and Richard Berrera was announced as the new union leader that afternoon… well that gun was locked and loaded well before election day.

You would think Berrera would be stepping down from the SD Unified School Board, but if a recent report from the Voice of San Diego is to be believed, you would be wrong. Berrera has stated that he will continue to serve on the board. Berrera is either egotistical or crazy…. We think that it is the former… egotistical.

Berrera was just reelected and has 3.5 years left to serve… how in the hell does he think he can serve two masters at once… again egotistical. This also calls into question all his previous pro-union votes on the board… was he feathering his bed???

Mitz Lee has announced her candidacy for council district 6 in San Diego.

Jerry Rindone has announced his intent to run for mayor, Chula Vista.

Pamela Bensoussan has announced her intent to run for mayor in Chula Vista… is that committee that opposed her in her council race out there…. the “Anybody but Pamela” committee….

The Sweetwater Unified High School Board is a mess:

Most recently Sweetwater decided they needed to cut their ROP program, which prepared folks for jobs… guess Pearl Quinones who championed education to work fell down on the job…

Their property swap on L Street is nothing but a boondoggle losing out on millions of dollars….

The recent deal with Grand Canyon University which was revealed in the Reader to recruiting homeless folks with the intent for them to apply for federal grants….

Now they are hooking up with Alliant University another for-profit university…. The interesting thing about this deal was that Superintendent, Brand was already advertising the connection with Alliant before the Board voted to approve… looks like the board is nothing more than a rubber stamp…

Why doesn’t Sweetwater Unified stick to what they are supposed to be doing…. which is educating our young students…

The school board at San Marcos is feeling better buying out Brand’s contract after only one year… they figured it was worth the $400,000 to let him go… looks like they were right…

