The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Hispanics say NO to DeMaio

As Latino voters, we’re going to have a great influence on the outcome of this mayor’s race. The 10News/SurveyUSA poll released today estimated 23 percent of the voters in June – nearly 1 in 4 – will be Latino. With some hard work, we will have an even greater role to play. But what I find troubling is that our community isn’t just playing a big part of this mayor’s race – it’s also a significant portion of the vote Carl DeMaio is relying on to win the election. We have a responsibility to stop that!

Since we began researching this race over 16 months ago (and about a dozen or so polls I’ve seen since then), Carl DeMaio has led among Latino voters. In today’s 10News/SurveyUSA poll, we see that a full 36 percent of the Latinos voting in June say they are voting for Carl DeMaio. But, we also know from polling, that as soon as our Latino families learn about DeMaio’s policies on issues like living wage, healthcare, immigration and unions, they are quick to abandon his candidacy.

We need to make sure our Latino family members, neighbors, and co-workers learn the truth about Carl DeMaio and his anti-Latino, anti-immigrant, anti-worker agenda. No matter which of the other candidates you are supporting in this race, one thing is clear – DeMaio’s history against the living wage, against prevailing wage, against healthcare and for SB1070 is not what our City needs!

We specifically need to remind our voters that DeMaio actually tried to qualify an initiative that would have prevented any law that required employers to pay more than a minimum wage. Latinos make up almost 60% of San Diego workers who make within a dollar of the minimum wage currently.

So, will you join our coalition of Latino leaders, activists and just regular voters who say No! to “El Minimo”, Carl DeMaio?

Si Se Puede!

Lorena Gonzalez
Secretary-Treasurer/CEO, San Diego Labor Council
Plus 65 signatures

Dumanis conviction rate bogus?

Bonnie Dumanis, the D.A., is boasting at 94% conviction rate in all her mayoral ads…..then the ads flash the Union/Tribune headlines: South Bay School Distirct Corruption case. This implies they have been convicted. No one has been conviucted. I thought only a judge or jury were they only ones that could convict people! The judge should throw this case out of court.

Let us not for get that the wanna be mayor failed to filed criminial charges in the case of Diana Gonzalez (RIP). She was beaten and raped by her estranged husband and arrested. Because no charges were filed, this monster was set FREE and eventually murdered this young inspring woman. He ran loose for over a year before Mexcian authourties busted him in T.J. If Diana’s parents had any politicial clout, you can bet this killer would have been locked up!

As for our elected school board member in the famous “Play to Pay” scandal. During the war in Irag, billions of our TAXpayers money was awarded to govenment CONTRACTORS. These billions ($) were ermarked for roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, prisons, etc…only to be left unfinished and abandon. Don’t tell me these contractors didn’t wine and dine the Washington polticos and even President Bush. These were “sweetheart” contracts. This has been the American way off doing business since day one! Doesn’t someone get a TAX write off here?

I hope the progressive voters of the South Bay flex their voter power and stop Bonnie from being our next mayor. I know I will. I know my family, friends and neighbors will too!

Ralph Sanchez
San Diego
