Community Notes:

Preliminary Districting Plan

On Tuesday, October 29, the Independent Districting Commission approved a Preliminary Districting Plan dividing the City of Escondido into four (4) Council districts. If adopted by the City, those districts shall be used for all future elections of City Council members, including their recall, and for filling any vacancy in the office of member of the Council until new districts are established. The Preliminary Districting Plan shown here may also be viewed on the City website by visiting

During the thirty (30) day period after filing the designated preliminary districting plan with the City Clerk, the Consent Decree directs the Commission to hold at least three (3) public hearings in various geographic areas of the City before it makes any modifications. The schedule for these public hearings is as follows:

· Thursday, November 21; 6 p.m. at Hidden Valley Middle School
· Saturday, November 23; 9 a.m. at Mission Middle School
· Sunday, November 24; 3 p.m. at Center for the Arts, Escondido

Following these public hearings, the Districting Commission will hold a Public Meeting on Sunday, November 24; 6 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 201 N. Broadway, 92025 for discussion and approval of a Recommended Districting Plan. The approved Plan will be submitted to the City Council for its up or down approval.

USS Midway Museum Hosts Bloodmobile on Veteran’s Day
Blood Donors Awarded Free Ticket to the Museum

Blood donors will have the opportunity to experience one of San Diego’s most interactive museums on Veterans’ Day after donating blood at the USS Midway’s Blood Drive on Monday, November 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Navy Pier parking lot next to the ship at 910 North Harbor Dr.

Donors at the drive will be awarded a ticket to tour the museum (exhibits will close at 5 p.m.). There will be free food and live entertainment from 1 to 4 pm on the USS Midway, as well as a meet-and-greet with Olympic athletes and Trevor Davis, San Diegan who appeared on NBC’s hit show “The Voice!” Grand prize drawings also will be held for vacations to Hawaii, Mexico and Florida!

“Touring the USS Midway is a great family outing,” said Lynn Stedd, blood bank spokesperson. “We hope families will take advantage of this opportunity by donating blood and then boarding the aircraft carrier on a day when we remember those who have served our country in the armed forces.”

Anyone who is at least 17 years old, in generally good health and weighs at least 110 pounds may qualify to donate blood. To make an appointment or for more information about the San Diego Blood Bank, please call: 1-800-469-7322 or visit

Mayoral Candidates to Face-off Over Downtown Issues Sunday, November 10, 2013 Thomas Jefferson School of Law

San Diego mayoral candidates Kevin Faulconer and David Alvarez will face-off in a special forum this Sunday evening, November 10, at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in the East Village, just nine days away from the special election. The public is invited to attend the forum, which will take place in Room 323 of the law school, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Candidate Nathan Flethc-her was invited to participate, but has not yet confirmed.

Thomas Jefferson School of Law is located at 1155 Island Ave., between Park and Eleventh. There is a trolley stop across from the law school and parking is available nearby, including at the Padres Parkade on Tenth Avenue.

Suspensión del Servicio del COASTER el 16 y 17 de Noviembre
Se recomienda a los pasajeros tomar la ruta 101 del BREEZE

Oceanside – El 16 y 17 de noviembre, los trenes de pasajeros COASTER de North County Transit District, Metrolink y Amtrak y los trenes de carga de BNSF no estarán operando en el Condado de San Diego. Instamos a los usuarios a planificar con antelación para poder adoptar otros medios de transporte público durante estos días porque no se ofrecerá el servicio de autobuses de reemplazo para conectar las paradas del COASTER. Los pasajeros que normalmente viajan en el COASTER deben tomar la Ruta 101 del BREEZE o conexiones de MTS durante la suspensión programada del servicio.

Durante el fin de semana, la Asociación de Gobiernos de San Diego (SANDAG) adelantará obras necesarias en el puente Santa Margarita que realzarán la experiencia de los usuarios. Se espera que el proyecto esté terminado en la primavera del 2014. Los trenes COASTER y demás servicios ferroviarios volverán a operar en su horario regular a tiempo para los traslados matutinos del lunes, 18 de noviembre. Para información adicional, por favor visite
