The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Filner represents the best of education as mayoral candidate

Of all the Mayoral Candidates, Bob Filner is best connected to the interests of the rank and file. Speaking with conviction, Mr. Filner supports a collaborative approach in regard to City Hall and our local school district.
His common sense ideas including the use of city facilities for after school use reminds me of back in the late sixties when The City of San Diego issued kid’s a pass for golf at Torrey Pines. The cost was fifty cents and that was for eighteen holes, folks. Also, Mr. Filner’s proposal for kid’s to utilize public transportation at no cost in order to go to school is fully viable and makes perfect sense.

Bob Filner will address education and the under class as no candidate for mayor would because he has the conscience and courage of a lion. When our present day society and dysfunctional culture are tearing the fabric of public education to shreds, we need a reasoned and compassionate mayor to lead our city and work constructively with the education sector. When single women under thirty account for the majority of unwed mothers, we have a problem folks. Mr. Filner understands all of our societal woes and will make this city proud.

Daniel J. Smiechowski
San Diego

Bensoussan a democrat receives the support of right wing organization!

I read with interest that the S.D. Lincoln club has endorsed Pamela Bensoussan, a registered Democrat, for re-election. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has followed the Chula Vista City Council votes on issues. Councilwoman Bensoussan has consistently voted with the Mayor because, in my opinion, the Councilwoman is an opportunist with little regard for principals or allegiance to others. How can she purport to support Democrat programs/issues if she accepts money/mailers from the Republican Lincoln Club?

Additionally, if I was an officer in Unite Here—International Union and had donated approx. $29,000 to Bensoussan’s previous Primary Election and $55,000 to her General Election I might want to rethink my previous decision. The $19,000 donated by the Imperial Labor Council AFL-CIO and Southbay Forum of $5,400 for the General Election might also want to be reconsidered. Perhaps they should consider helping Linda Wagoner who has been Councilman Castaneda’s aide for the past 8 years and has demonstrated she is a true Democrat.

Jerry Scott
Chula Vista
