Last week we reported that Rick Najara had fallen ill, suffering a stroke and had slipped into a coma, which they think was caused as a result from his pneumonias’ high fever. That was the bad news… the good news is that this week he is much better… just a warning…. Hijole, what a warning.

Speaking of a warning, our favorite gal pal, Gracia Molina de Pick, you might have seen her on the frontpage last week in honor of Women’s History Month, had a little warning last week when she suffered a mild stroke…. She is doing much better, and called this a warning as well….

Not so good is Rush Limbaugh with his radio show on life support as he tries to survive the latest case of foot-in-mouth when he called a woman testifying before Congress a “slut”… seems most, if not all, advertisers have dumped him…

Went to the first debate of the year for Chula Vista city council race and the first thing we noticed was that the crowd was a bit different that the old crowd that used go to these things…. that is good news. The candidates still pretty much sound the same. Looked like Pamela Bensoussan was the target of most of the attacks… looks like she is going to spending a lot of her time defending herself….

News this week that Pamela Bensoussan, a democrat, is receiving support from the Lincoln Club, a right wing Republican group…. that and the support of mayor Cherly Cox pretty much makes Bensoussan a democrat in name only….

City of Escondido under the microscope… Journalist John Frye did an investigative report on the police using the DUI stops as a thinly veiled immigrant dragnet and the ensuing towing charges as a way to raise money for the city…. want to read the report and view the video follow this link: http://www.aclusandiego.org/news_item.php?article_id=001248
