Rick Najera Needs Our Help

<p>We’ve been big fans of Rick Najera for a long time. If you don’t know who he is, here’s a few tidbits from articles and calendar listings we’ve published on <a href="http://LatinoLA.com">LatinoLA</a&gt; throughout the years:</p>
<p>“…twice honored as one of the most influential Latinos in America.”</p>
<p>“[He] offers his expertise in teaching individuals of all levels in a new Actors Workshop”</p>
<p>“[He] took home his first ALMA Award tonight as writer for the feature film, ‘Nothing Like the Holidays.’”</p>
<p>“He pays tribute to dads with DADDY DIARIES: Diary of a Dad Man.”</p>
<p>“He’s the first Latino to join Tavis Smiley Speakers Bureau.”</p>
<p>“His Latinologues, which ran on Broadway, is the only Latino showcase of it’s kind in America with a rotating cast.”</p>
<p>Together with his wife, Susie Albin-Najera, they’ve been great friends of <a href="http://LatinoLA.com ">LatinoLA.com </a>and many of our amigos and amigas.</p>
<p>And now they need our help:</p>
<p>This is from CaringBridge a website that helps keep loved ones informed during a significant health challenge, written by Susie:</p>
<p>“On Saturday, March 3rd, Rick Najera suffered a stroke, which we think was caused as a result from his phneumonia’s high fever. The high fever created a spike in his blood pressure which caused the stroke and caused him to black out.</p>
<p>When he blacked out, he fell and hit his head at full impact. He managed to regain consciousness, although severely disoriented, and lay down on his bed. He lost a significant amount of blood. When I came home and found him, I called 911 and the paramedics took him to the trauma center at Northridge Hospital and he remains in the ICU.</p>
<p>On Monday, March 5th, his breathing tube was removed and he was able to breath on his own. The first thing out of his mouth was a joke. The excitement was short lived and he has been in a sedative state since, coming in and out, responding here and there. At this time, we will only be allowed to have family visit.</p>
<p>I will try to post daily updates but I am a bit overwhelmed myself so bare with me during this challenging and highly stressful time.</p>
<p>How you can help:</p>
<p>A friend advised me to accept the help that everyone is offering, so I thought of a few ways:</p>
<p>Cash Donation or Target gift card: What would really help is cash or a Target gift card for cleaning supplies, groceries, to replace all the bedding, etc.</p>
<p>You can send to: Rick Najera Donation c/o Bethel Encino, 17500 Burbank Blvd, Encino, CA 91316.</p>
<p>Thank you immensely for all the thoughts, prayers, love and support. We truly appreciate it so much.</p>
<p>Much love and gratitude,</p>
<p>Susie, Julian, Sonora, Kennedy on behalf of Rick”</p>
<p>You can keep up-to-date on Rick’s recovery at: <a href="http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ricknajera">http://www.caringbridge.o…;

Abelardo de la Peña Jr