Latinos make sure you have a voice in the future of our region

By Yolanda Selene Walther-Meade,
Ambassador of Our Greater San Diego Vision 

Now through January 31 San Diegans have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to plan for the region’s future. Together, we can create a 50- to 100-year strategic vision and action plan for San Diego by weighing in on our priorities, hopes and concerns for this wonderful place at 

Have you made your voice heard?

Latinos make up more than one-third of San Diego County’s population, yet only 14 percent have participated in the public survey so far. 

Why should you care?

Our quality of life is at stake and also our children’s and grandchildren’s. We all share the same worries—jobs, transportation, housing, cost of living and education. San Diego’s population is expected to grow 40 percent in the next 40 years. Our children and grandchildren will make up two-thirds of the estimated population growth. It’s projected we will need 400,000 more homes and 500,000 new jobs by 2050 to house and employ them. 

Where will they go to work? Where will afford a home? How will they get their education? Will they enjoy the same parks, festivals and natural spaces that we do today?

These questions can be answered by you and all residents, who have an equal opportunity to weigh in on the issues that will impact all of us in the future.

Go to and begin with one of four modules – Work, Live, Learn, Enjoy. A Spanish language version of the website is available too. Make your voice count!

Choose where you want high-rise towers or one and two story buildings and how close homes should be to jobs, shopping and more.

Make other choices like favoring roadways, bikeways, transit lines or walkable neighborhoods.

Choose how education will meet tomorrow’s needs—through new education models, technology, globally-inspired curriculum or lifelong learning focus.

Weigh in on the amenities we need to provide for tomorrow – close-by open space, remote access to cultural performances, or a network of community “hearts” of arts and culture.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to plan for the region’s future. All San Diegans should be heard. Tell your friends, family and neighbors, and ensure that San Diego’s future is brighter for the next generations, that will predominantly be our own children and grandchildren. Visit now through January 31. Users can choose an English or Spanish version for each of the four modules.
