Sweetwater Union High School District is the district that just keeps on giving…. Latest news story has alleged a whole bunch of food missing and supposedly being sold on the side… seems like it was a family enterprise with the family embedded throughout the cafeteria staff…

While Sweetwater is getting all the bad publicity, it seems that San Ysidro School District may come under scrutiny in the near future for many of the same reason as Sweetwater… more on this to come…

Determined to prove that the newly created district 9 is a Latino district, Mateo Camarillo, the architect behind the district makeup, has made noise that he will run for city council to represent the district…. Hijole, sounds like Mateo is going to be in for a rude awakening if he decides to run…

Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, was born in Colonia Dublan, a Mormon colony in the north of Mexico, George returned to the U.S. at age five to avoid the Mexican revolution, but Romney still has family living in Colonia Dublan so the logic being Mitt is Hispanic…. Probably only come up when he tries to capture that elusive Hispanic vote….

A YouTube video showing a wealthy Mexican man beating a parking attendant at his apartment building after the attendant refused to change his tire has gone viral: http://youtu.be/pegPNqWjIAI

