The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Open letter to the Latino community.

Members of the San Diego Union Tribune Editor’s Latino Advisory Council

    It is with deep regret that I take this time to inform you that I, effective immediately, chose not to be a member of the Council due to the recent changes in ownership of the newspaper. While welcomed public announcements regarding journalistic and editorial integrity have been made by the new owner, Chairman & Publisher Douglas F. Manchester, I remain concerned and skeptical that forward progress in reporting news as well as editorial fairness influenced to date by the Latino Advisory Council may be short lived.

   My withdrawal from the Council is also driven by the fact that a son of mine is gay and whose life style is in direct conflict with the personal philosophy of the new owner Douglas F. Manchester as demonstrated by his open financial support for the passage of Proposition 8. Needless to say my personal philosophy and my love for my son is in direct contrast toManchester’s position regarding personal freedoms desired and enjoyed by Americans.

   I commend the work of the Latino Advisory Council on many fronts, however, much more needs to be accomplished if the Union Tribune wants to be nationally known as a first class superior newspaper that is inclusive of the journalistic needs of all communities in the region.

   I give special thanks to Mr. Jeff Light, Editor, for being open to our suggestions and taking action on our recommendations for change that bring the Union Tribune closer to the Latino community.

   My son will soon be home for a joyous family Christmas gathering and I just felt compelled to disassociate myself from the Union Tribune for the reasons stated in this communication.

   I plan to share my withdrawal from the Council with members of the Latino community.

Gus Chavez

