Community Notes:….

Iglesia del Dios Vivo Columna y Apoyo de la Verdad “La Luz del Mundo”

    Tiene el honor de invitar a los Medios de Comunicacion de la Región a la Celebración Regional de Santa Cena  2011, que tendrá lugar en Town and Country Convention Center, ubicado en 500 Hotel Circle North, en San Diego, California 92108, el proximo 4 de diciembre a partir de las 4:00pm, el objetivo de la reu-nion es celebrar en un acto solemne la Santa Cena ordenada por Jesucristo “Asi pues, todas las veces que comiereis este pan, y bebiereis esta copa, la muerte del Señor anunciais hasta que El venga”, (ll!. Corintios 11:26), congregándose las Iglesias de la región (San Diego, Escondido, National City, EI Centro, y Sur San Diego). Se espera una asistencia, aproximada de 3,500 personas, a quienes los une una misma FE, CONVICCION E IDENTIDAD CRISTIANA.

    Sirnultáneamente este evento se efectuará en otros lugares de este país y el extranjero, unidos al mismo propósito, emitido por el Apóstol de Jesucristo Samuel Joaquín Flores; permanecer ligados a las enseñanzas y ejemplo de Vida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

    Sabedores del compromiso social que tienen de informar a nuestra comunidad, esperamos contar son su amable presencia y cobertura de nuestro evento.

Rancho Christmas Festival Has Old-Fashioned Flair

    15th Annual Celebration at Rancho Guajome Adobe in Vista Set for Nov. 26, 27 Rancho Guajome Adobe in Vista will once again ring in the holidays with a merry family festival and handmade, natural decorations that transform the historic adobe into an old-fashioned Christmas scene.

    At this year’s Rancho Christmas celebration, kids can try all kinds of 19th Century-inspired crafts, including weaving and making drip candles, corn husk dolls and caramel apples

    A wood carver, blacksmith, tortilla maker and yarn spinner will demonstrate how people lived and worked during the area’s Mexican and early American period.

    Live music, a ballet folklorico troop, Mexican trick roper Miguel Angel Sanchez and others will entertain. Families can also enjoy Native American storytelling, a period fashion show, and tractor-drawn wagon rides.

    Visitors will want to tour the restored 1853 ranch house’s extensive grounds and 28 rooms, all appointed with period furnishings and, for the first time this year, period holiday decorations.

    Rancho Christmas is Saturday Nov. 26 and Sunday, Nov. 27, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (On Saturday, guests can stick around after the official festival until 5 p.m. or so for caroling and apple cider in the courtyard by the glow of luminarias.)

    Admission is $5 for teens and adults (age 13 and up), $3 for children (4-12), and free for children 3 and under. Parking is free.

    Rancho Guajome Adobe is located at 2210 N. Santa Fe Ave. in Vista.

18th annual La Posada Sin Fronteras

    The 18th annual La Posada Sin Fronteras will be presented from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10 at Border Field State Park in Imperial Beach. The annual event, which commemorates Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter on Christmas Eve, is conducted with people of faith from Tijuana who meet the U.S. participants at the border fence.

    Participants will gather near the border fence at the southern end of the state park with participants from Tijuana on the Mexican side of the fence. They will sing Christmas carols and listen to speakers from both sides of the border.  They will remember in prayer those who have died crossing the border into the United States in the past year. Crosses bearing the names of border victims, will be placed along the coastline at the west end of the park.

    This year’s theme is ‘The Star Still Shines—the search for shelter continues.’ The keynote speaker this year is Rev. Juan-Daniel Espitia. Other organizations co-sponsoring the event include the American Friends Service Committee, the Center for Justice and Reconciliation at Point Loma Nazarene University, Border Angels, the USD Campus Ministry Romero Center, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, the Roman Catholic diocese of San Diego, the Immigration Ministry of the Pacifica Lutheran Synod, and numerous faith-based and human rights groups in Tijuana. Border Field State Park is located at the end of Monument Road in Imperial Beach.
