Community Notes:

Centro Community Meeting

    You are invited to the Centro Cultural de la Raza’s upcoming Community Forum, which will take place on Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2011 from 1-4 pm at the Centro in Balboa Park.

    Come to the Centro Community Forum to learn what’s happening and find out how you can participate in upcoming exhibits, performances and community events!

    Get updated on Centro activities and meet new Board members, the Centro’s Community Advisory Council and members of the Centro’s Arts Advisory Committee.

    Feel free to email the Centro Community Advisory Council at if you have any questions.


    The Chicano Democratic Association in conjunction with The Lowrider Community of San Diego presents A Holiday “Toy-raiser” for National City Low Income Families

    Come mingle with fellow Democrats as we support the Lowrider Community of San Diego and the National City Police Department’s Annual Toy Drive. Please join us for this unique opportunity to reach out to National City families.

    Suggested Donations: Toys for boys and girls ages 5 – 11

    Gifts cards for teens & pre-teens to stores such as Target, Starbucks, iTunes, Old Navy or Best Buy – $10 minimum.

    Wednesday, November 30th at the home of National City Councilwoman Mona Rios, 3414 Eleanor Pl., National City, CA 91950; 6:30pm – 8:30pm

    Please RSVP by Friday, November 25th to or to Jacob Regalado at 619.847.9339

    More information at

Jenna Druck Center’s 14TH Annual “Spirit of Leadership” conference Adult Workshop

Saturday, November 19, 2011, Noon – 3:30 p.m.
Francis Parker School, 6501 Linda Vista Rd. San Diego, CA 92111

    200 middle and high school girls from throughout San Diego County will be honored and celebrated at the Jenna Druck Center’s annual “Spirit of Leadership” conference on November 19. Each girl attending the conference was nominated by members of the community for her demonstrated and emerging leadership qualities—whether in academics, sports, the arts, or other extracurricular activities.

    This inspiring conference will also include an afternoon workshop for adults led by Lisa Nichols of Motivating the Teen Spirit.  Nichols’ workshop, “Parent Empowerment” will include listening to what your child is not saying; hearing your child’s silent cry for help; learning new listening skills; limiting toxic behaviors that are transferred to children; learning how to create new beginnings; and increasing parenting skills through Self-Awareness. 

    Also leading the adult workshop will be Tami Walsh, M.A. “Easing the Temperature in the Pressure-Cooker A Solution Based Approach to the Pressures Students, Parents and Schools Face Today!” will include the latest “up to the minute” information about “parenting in the pressure cooker;” current research about the newest (and dangerous) pressures kids face today; and practical solutions and strategies to improve stress and anxiety.

    The workshop is open to the public and will begin at noon and end at 3:30. RSVP. to  A donation of $15.00 is suggested.
