Herman Cain is this presidential campaign’s Sarah Palin, Tea Party favorite who provides more of an entertainment value than actual presidential timer. 

   Nathan Fletcher announces his NEW coalition of Latinos to boost his run for mayor of San Diego. That is all well and good, but how come he didn’t have a coalition of Hispanics before, I mean he is an elected official didn’t they matter enough before to actually have a coalition already working with and advising him. As usual Hispanics are only good enough when they want something from us…. 

   Gabby Giffords has been in the news lately as she slowly recovers from her gun shoot wounds which is good news. Other good news is that Daniel Hernandez who is considered a hero for saving Gifford’s life was elected to an Arizona school board last week. There is an old Indian saying ‘good things come to good people.’ 

   The annual Imperial Beach Sandcastle event has been cancelled after 31 years of this event it could no longer afford to carry on. Another casualty of the economic crises. 

   So the UT has been sold, once again, to Doug Manchester…. This sale is more about the real estate than the paper which makes us wonder what the future holds for San Diego’s oldest publication….
