It’s all about Curry … Curry Chicken

Cooking with the Dutchess:
By Hanneke Eerden

   The recipe and article for this week is all about curry. The Dutch way! Remember I’ve been on a quest for a good curry powder brand?? Well I’m happy to mention that I found one! Too bad, I’ve received an email from the Crosse & Blackwell Company that this particularly curry powder was no longer available in The Netherlands. But then, about two weeks ago one of my aunts gave me a small jar with curry powder from “Gutruf” and said I had to try this one. She was also a big fan of the other curry brand that I always used, so that gave me confidence. And yesterday I tried this new blend for the recipe from today. And I can tell you that I loved it! So this mission has a happy ending after all!

   Of course I do realize that it may be difficult or not possible for you get this brand of curry powder, but I’m sure that you have your favorite brand too. Use that for this recipe, and you will have an awesome meal! I like this curry powder because it really tastes like the curry blend I was looking for, not too sweet and it’s spicy too. Other products may have an overwhelming taste of ginger or turmeric or cumin (curry powder is made of lots of different spices). As usual, taste is a personal matter.

   How do you make this chicken curry sauce?

2 chicken breasts
1 tablespoon of your favorite chicken seasoning (I used Old Bay Seasoning)
1 onion
1 celery stalk
Some mushrooms
1 cube for chicken broth
1 firm apple
¼ cup raisins
4 tablespoons of your favorite curry powder (you can use more or less according to your own taste)
1 teaspoon ginger powder
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1 teaspoon soy sauce
A few drops of Worcestershire Sauce
A few drops of hot sauce
2 cups hot water

   Cut the chicken into pieces, sprinkle them with the seasoning and flour.

   Cut the onion, celery and mushrooms into pieces, heat some oil in a large wide pan and cook them on a high heat for about 5 minutes. Keep stirring otherwise it will burn easily. Add the chicken pieces and cook for another 10 minutes on a medium heat.

   Add the chicken broth cube, the water, the raisins, the curry powder, ginger powder, mustard powder, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and bring to a boil. In the meantime cut the apple into small pieces and add them to the sauce.

   When it has come to a boiling point, turn the heat low and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Use flour or sauce thickener to get a thicker sauce. Taste if you want to add more curry or more heat to the sauce, add some parsley and you’re ready!

   I served it with steamed white rice and peas. It was a delicious meal again!

   And now the Dutchess is going on a vacation! I’m flying to the US, CA to be more precise! As soon I’m back I will be here again with a new recipe, in the meantime you can check out the websites and if you can’t wait that long and need a recipe!

   As always ~ Bon Appetit!