Tezzy where have you been???? Este Indo has been muy ocupado working many jobs trying to stay out of the poor house. It has been tough the last couple of years, but as my tax man dice you are one tough hombre… a survivor. Hijole I guess so…

    It was good to see Humberto Peraza selected to the Southwestern college board… this will provide the opportunity for him to make a name for himself and give the community an idea of who and what he stands for… that was the problem in his run for city council… the voters didn’t know him.

    Word is out that there is some big time support out there for any one willing to run against Pamela Bensoussan for city council in Chula Vista… so if there is any interest let us know…

    Speaking of re-election… Olga Diaz the lone Hispanic voice on the Escondido city council has decided to run for re-election… this is good news, at one point the rumor was she was burnt out being the lone voice against the right wing rhetoric she had to face daily in Escondido a city with a definite anti-Hispanic attitude.

    Bonnie Dumanis was the first to announce that she was running for mayor of San Diego and if things keep going the way they are, she is last in the polls and flip-flopping already, she could pull-off a second first and be the first to drop out of the race….

    Sweetwater High School District going through a bunch of changes, but one change we are waiting for is a change in the district lawyer. Recent report pointed out what everybody already knew, Bonnie Garcia and his law firm was getting rich off the tax payers…. Community waiting for the other shoe to drop on this guy!

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