Aztecs’ Perez Eager to Build on Last Season’s Success

<figure id="attachment_13631" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-13631" style="width: 250px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href="… loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-13631" title="20101030-282#38(5X6)" src="…; alt="" width="250" height="300" srcset="… 250w,… 853w,… 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 250px) 100vw, 250px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-13631" class="wp-caption-text">Kicker Abelardo Perez was one of the many brights spots on last years Aztec team and looks to be again a major contributor. Photo by Ernie Anderson </figcaption></figure>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As late as last September, San Diego State kicker Abelardo Perez didn’t know how much he would contribute to what was then his new team. The Tijuana-born left footed place kicker had excelled at Castle Park High and then Southwestern College, but kicking for a Division I university like San Diego State presented a much bigger challenge. First, he had to win the job from returning senior Bryan Shields. Once that was accomplished, Perez had to remain consistent enough to stay on the field.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As it turned out, Perez was one of the many bright spots on a team that went 9-4 and won its first bowl game in over 40 years. Long known for his booming kickoffs, Perez improved his accuracy last season nailing 17 of his 22 field goal attempts including one from 53 yards. For his efforts, he was selected second team All-MWC and is the preseason favorite this year to be the top kicker in the league.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Last year’s accolades mean little to Perez now as prepares for San Diego State’s home opener against Cal Poly on September 3. He is hoping his offseason training regimen will produce even better results this year.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “(Prior to) last year we didn’t have a lot of time&nbsp; to work together as a unit, but this offseason I got together twice a week with my holder, Brian Stahovich and snapper, Aaron Brewer and we really got after it. I just hope that it all transfers to the field,” Perez said following Tuesday’s practice. “As a kicker there is not much you can do on your own, so them being around has really helped me a lot and given me more confidence.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Perez didn’t want to discuss personal goals, only team goals.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “The only goal for me is to win the Mountain West Conference, whatever happens after that is a bonus. Winning that championship is the first priority here.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kickers that can routinely drive a football through the end zone on kickoffs are in high demand in the NFL, especially those that can also make 80% of their field goal attempts. And while he admits that a career in the NFL would be a dream come true he doesn’t like to speculate on anything beyond the upcoming season.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With most of his family currently living in Mexico Perez naturally has reason to visit. He was surprised to discover on a recent trip that he has become somewhat of a hometown celebrity.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “When I went down there recently with my family I had a few people noticing me. It was kind of funny. I had no idea that anyone in Tijuana was following the Aztecs. They told me that they didn’t use to, but now with me (at SDSU) they now have reason to.”&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Aztecs unveil their 2011 team Saturday evening, August 20th, at the “Q” with Aztec Family Day. This free event begins at 5:00 p.m. with an alumni game and includes autograph sessions the Aztecs Pep Band and Cheer Squad and an intra-squad scrimmage at 7:30.</p>

John Philip Wyllie