Don’t know if you need any other reason to go to the SD Latino Film Festival than the fact that all the films are excellent, but if you do need inspiration the film “Without Men”, starring Eva Longoria and Kate del Castillo, is “buzzing” on the web due to a love scene between Longoria and Castillo. Hijole even if you don’t understand Spanish it might be worth it to catch this movie…. muy caliente…

   Denise Ducheney versus Juan Vargas in the race for Bob Filner’s congressional seat – now that is a campaign we would pay to see. Neither camp would be shy about fling the dirt, both have tough campaigning reputations, plus Denise has Al, her husband, who has a colorful reputation to say the least. If that campaign happens it would be a duzzy….

   Whatever happened to the up and coming young Latino politicans??? How come we keeping getting stuck with these retreads. Seems we are falling down on the job when it comes to grooming the future leaders…

   We see where Sweetwater High School district is scrutinizing the construction schedules and overcharges…. Community members, parents, students, teachers, this paper have been raising this issue for years… about time. Tezzy wonders where this scrutiny was when they were building Taj Mahal gyms instead of classrooms????

   Chula Vista politics sinks to a new low with paid people to sit in on council meetings in support of mobile home park owners, not only trying to show overwhelming support to raise rates, but to keep out citizens who oppose the cost hikes, mostly poor and low income folks….

   Oh by the way the mobile home park owners got their wish and are now able to raise the rents on new park tenants… guess this explains the extra long piece by councilwoman Pat Aguilar who went to great lengths defending her vote in favor of the park owners…. it may be she was feeling pangs of guilt, voting against the interest of the poor and low income??? Quien sabe…

   The problem with legislatures discussing trillion dollar budgets is that none of them are educated or experienced enough to fully understand all this. Only thing it takes to become a legislature is that you are 18 and get one more vote than the other person, that is it. Kind of scary when you think about these guys making these kinds of decisions, what is best for the country or best for their political future…. Scary!!!

            It doesn’t matter how or when the legislatures approve the debit limit ceiling – in the end it will be the poor, middle class, and those dependent on social services who will pay the bill!!! Sounds like it is time to do away with the two party system and get a third party into play here… it maybe it is time for the Tequila Party to rise forth….
