The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

I urge our representatives to protect the low-income

   When did protecting the wealthy become our overriding civic virtue? Are tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires really more important than the health and development of our children? 

   The truth is anti-poverty programs work. For example, a new study shows that people enrolled in Medicaid are healthier, happier and better able to afford health care. The Head Start program has been shown to improve the lives of at-risk children, who become healthier, more educated and more productive adults. Despite these successes, these and other critical programs face billions in cuts.

   As deficit reduction negotiations (hopefully) progress, Congress and the President need to guard against massive cuts to programs that help millions of low-income and working Americans make ends meet.

   I urge our San Diego representatives in Congress to only support a deficit reduction plan that includes new revenue from those best able to afford it while also protecting low-income Americans from falling deeper into poverty.

Daria Flores
San Diego
