To all social justice and liberation activists, and supporters: 

Join the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project (a project of Unión del Barrio) as we meet with other progressive and pro-liberation forces to discuss and find solutions to the growing incarceration/imprisonment of Raza and the terror/torture which many face on a daily basis. 

This gathering, the Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism, is being organized under the theme of PRISONS: TERROR FOR THE POOR -PROFITS FOR THE RICH. 

The conference will be held at the Logan Heights Public Library, 567 South 28th Street , in San Diego, Califaztlán, on Sat. June 11th, 2011, 11 am – 2 pm.  

Speakers and panelists will relate the question of the “Prison and Criminal Justice System” to issues such as the War On Drugs, Criminalization On Our Youth,  Education and Schools, Political Prisoners, Raza Women’s Liberation, Violence Among Colonized People, and Capitalism-Imperialism. 

The Conference is being endorsed by: Raza Rights Coalition (San Diego • Association of Raza Educators (A.R.E.-San Diego) • African People’s Socialist Party •MEChA UCSD •Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) • El Partido Nacional de la Raza Unida • Brown Berets de Aztlán • Todo Poder Al Pueblo Colectivo (Oxnard, CA) and the Frente Popular Revolucionario- Tijuana/Mexico 

Attend the Conference.   Come prepared to share and learn! 

The answers to our community’s problems can only be resolved through the power of the people.


