Sweetwater Board Hires Former US Attorney Greg Vega to Conduct Independent Review

Vega to look into billing by communications consultant

    The Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees voted 4-1 Monday to hire former United States Attorney Greg Vega to conduct an independent review into the billing statements of communications consultant Scott Alevy. Board Member Bertha Lopez voted against the motion.

    The board took the action in closed session Monday evening and reported out to the public during the regular meeting later in the evening.

    “Mr. Vega is a highly respected litigator and investigator,” said Board President John McCann. “He has represented clients before federal, state and local regulatory agencies. He has evaluated corporate compliance issues and conducted numerous corporate internal investigations.

    “More importantly, Mr. Vega’s reputation is beyond reproach,” McCann said.

    The district will await the findings of this independent review before pursing any further action, McCann said.

    “Until then, there will be no further comment from district personnel on Mr. Alevy’s itemized billing statements,” said Superintendent Dr. Jesus M. Gandara.
