“Ethics complaint filed against Chula Vista councilwoman,” is latest headline in what is turning out to be a long list of missteps by councilwoman Pamela Bensoussan. First there was the bankruptcy issue, her desire to raise taxes, the backroom wheeling and dealing with the Port Commission, and the general distrust she has generated amongst what are now past supporters…. Sounds like a resume for a single term politician…

   Speaking of wheeling and dealing looks like Assemblyman Juan Vargas is pampering the Indians and their gambling interest with his legislation by sponsoring a bill that disallows the Gregory Landfill from being built in the north county, near the Pala reservation. The voters already approved the landfill which Vargas is going against and the County Board feels a bit put off that Vargas is sticking his nose in their issues…. Looks like the Vargas we remember is back…

   El Editor went to the Chicano Federation Unity Luncheon this past week and heard a very entertaining and interesting speaker in Ruben Garcia, Director of the San Diego Office for the SBA. Garcia shared the story of his father which was insightful and one many in the audience could relate to. Bravo Sr. Garcia.

   A little bird at the Federation Luncheon mentioned that Pat Aguilar is considering a run for mayor in Chula Vista…

   San Diego redistricting is facing several hurdles, like not being able to get a map drawn, kind of a biggee, and council members getting involved… seems Tony Young has been spotted at community meetings putting his two cents in which is a no-no….

   The redistricting commission has the task of creating a new district and there is talk of creating another Hispanic dominate district…. The only question is, there is already a second Hispanic dominate district… it is district 4…. the thing is it has been conceded as a Black district despite the fact that Hispanics make up the majority for this district…. It is just a matter of getting out to vote.

   The minutemen are at it again… cleaning up San Diego freeways the only thing is they are claiming a stretch of freeway that dissects National City…. Seems like they select areas of the city just to get under the  Hispanics skin…

   San Diego City Council seems a bit dysfunctional with just about everybody coming up with their own budget…  more like a few trying to act mayoral … how is that strong mayor form of government working out so far????
