Charlie Sheen: Drug cartel’s pitchman

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Charlie Sheen may have become the best pitchman for international drug cartels, that, I venture, would gladly pay him the added million a week he demands to continue acting on the cancelled Three and a Half Men television sitcom from the better than $30 billion the cartels rake in annually from U.S. users. He can be their poster child luring legions of fans into the world of drug consumption.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In his public confession to drug use in one of his several television interviews, Sheen said, “I probably took more than anybody could survive. … I was bangin’ seven-gram rocks and finishing them because that’s how I roll, because I have one speed, one gear. [I survived] because I’m me. I’m different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying’s for fools, dying’s for amateurs.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Is Charlie Sheen’s bragging about drug usage and indispensable to a good party, make him an accomplice to the killing spree the Republic of Mexico is enduring? Sadly, he and his many fans may not see the connection, but it’s there.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Why didn’t the interviewers say and ask: “Charlie in Mexico there have been over 34,000 people, and more to follow, killing each other for the right to bring you and others the drugs you use, but among those killed are police officers, police chiefs, mayors of cities, judges, prosecutors, journalist and innocent people including children some as old or younger than yours, caught in the cross fire. Don’t you feel like you are an accomplice to these crimes?&nbsp; Don’t you feel any pangs of conscience over so many deaths your drug use causes?”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; And, “Charlie, what would you say to the parents of those children killed in the crossfire about your statement, ‘dying is for fools, dying is for amateurs’? Were they fools? Were they amateurs placed here for your pleasure?”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; We will of course, never know his answers since he wasn’t asked. But as bad as not asking was Pierce Morgan’s observation that Sheen sounds “alarmingly normal” In short: Hey, you’re right on and since you’re alarmingly normal, anyone who does the same is as alarmingly normal as you are.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; How many thousands of Charlie wanabees took his and Morgan’s endorsement message to heart thinking if he can do it so can I. “I wanna live like the great one!!” I wanna have it all, just like him.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Drug’s usage promises of care free and wonderful state of being are induced illusions, but its destructive harm is significant and certain. By all accounts this is what at some point awaits Sheen, and what awaits those who follow his lead. But the killings in Mexico continue and more and more are overlapping into the U.S.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Drug usage is a U.S. national disgrace and the part it plays on the killing spree in Mexico a national shame. Our journalists all but ignore the causes of the killings, never digging more than just scratching the surface, but always pointing the finger south placing the responsibility and culpability on countries south. Our political body screams about more border fencing, about national security but never about drug usage’s role in the meltdown. And of course, the usage of drugs by their own peers in news rooms and political chambers.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; And the popular and famous help elevate drug usage from sub to main stream culture. It’s OK to use, just don’t get caught and if you do, apologize, enter rehab, come out and go back to partying. If your name is Paris, tell them you’ve learned your lesson and you’re going to dedicate your life to helping the women prisoners you met; then go back to partying. If your name is Lindsay keep denying it and keep going back to rehab until you do something that the court seems to think is a greater crime than illegally purchasing and using drugs that come from international drug cartels who don’t mind massacring people.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; By far of the various popular celebrities pushing the drug usage envelope, the most famous, charismatic and immensely talented is Charlie Sheen. As such he has the power to be the Pied Piper who can lead a generation into the world of drug use, or conversely be the one who leads them away.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Unfortunately as long as Charlie doesn’t realize his true value and his potential contribution to his nation and its people, he will be the poster child for drug use and drug traffickers.</p>

Patrick Osio