Community Calendar:

Take Charge….Get Involved!

    Calling all residents and businesses in the San Ysidro area! It is that time again to participate with the shaping and re-organizing of YOUR community. At our upcoming meeting we will be discussing our historic resources, parks and recreation, as well as the usage of open spaces. Please join us at The San Ysidro Community Plan Update Advisory Committee meeting that is open to everyone and have your voices heard! 

    Refreshments will be served and supervised child activities will be available.

    Date: March 9th, 2011. Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Location: Willow Elementary – Multipurpose Room, 226 Willow Road, San Ysidro, CA 92173

    For additional information, please contact Sara Lyons at 619-236-6368 or email at:

Tome Control…¡Participe!

    ¡Atención residentes y negocios de San Ysidro! Es hora de participar en formando y re-organizando SU comuni-dad. Durante nuestra siguiente junta estaremos discutiendo recursos históricos, parques y recreación, al igual que el uso de espacios abiertos. ¡Por favor acompáñenos durante la próxima junta del Comité Asesor de la Actualización del Plan Comunitario de San Ysidro la cual esta abierta al público para escuchar-los! 

    Habrá refrescos y acti-vidades supervisadas para niños.

    Fecha: 9 de marzo de 2011. Hora: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Lugar: Willow Elementary – Salón de Multi-Uso, 226 Willow Road, San Ysidro, CA 92173

    Para más información, por favor comuníquese con Sara Lyons al 619-236-6368 o por email a:

Northwest Civic Association Town Hall Meeting

    In the auditorium of the Chula Vista Civic Center Library (at 4th & F), Wednesday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. Leilani Hines from the City of Chula Vista’s Redevelopment and Housing Department will present on the affordable housing projects they are proposing and either Eric Crockett or Mandy Mills will discuss redevelopment in Chula Vista and the proposed effects from the Governor’s redevelopment proposal. Chula Vista Centennial Volunteer Maria Zad-orozny will discuss all of the upcoming events to celebrate the city’s 100th birthday. There will also be an open discussion on the 3rd Ave. Streetscape Design. The event is free. Everyone is welcome. For further information, please call 619-307-3460.

Reporting Graffiti in Your Neighborhood

    Law enforcement agencies throughout San Diego County are working together to combat graffiti by taking part in a program that tracks and analyzes graffiti. If you see graffiti in your neighborhood, please call 2-1-1 to report it or go online. When graffiti is reported, 2-1-1 can get this information to local governments to follow-up with clean-up and investigation of the graffiti.

How the Program Works

    Graffiti Tracker is a Web-based program that allows law enforcement and public works departments to compile incidents of graffiti. When a clean-up crew goes to the scene to remove the graffiti, they take pictures of the vandalism using a special camera equipped with GPS. That information is sent to an analyst who then links the graffiti to other graffiti committed by the same vandal. That information is stored in database that law enforcement investigators can access to build and solve cases. Investigators and prosecutors can use the bounty of information provided by the program to charge individuals with multiple cases of vandalism and force them to pay restitution to the City for all of the clean-up associated with their crimes.

How the Program Helps Reduce Graffiti

    By tracking graffiti throughout the region, Graffiti Tracker significantly helps law enforcement solve graffiti crimes more efficiently. This collaborative program allows law enforcement to catch the biggest offenders, provide faster clean-up, and deter individuals from vandalizing personal and public property.

Third Avenue Workshop

Monday March 7, 2011, 5 – 7 pm, Just Java, 285 Third Avenue

    The City of Chula Vista has approved converting Third Avenue between E and H Streets from 4 lanes to 2 lanes, which could impact traffic on neighboring streets. How might these changes improve quality of life — and the local economy?  We’re out to explore that with a week-long public workshop to refine the design of the Third Avenue Streetscape Master Plan. Together, as part of our upcoming centennial celebration, we’ll plan components — sidewalks, benches, streetlights, landscaping, and other improvements — that will make this historic section of Third Avenue a more pleasant experience for locals and visitors and a more inviting place to shop.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation Seeks Nonprofits and Community Leaders Transforming Their Communities in San Diego and Nationwide

$200 Million in Grant Support – More Than $400,000 in San Diego Alone – Available Through the Bank’s Neighborhood Excellence Initiative

Applications Due June 1, 2011

    The Bank of America Charitable Foundation has issued a call for applications for the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative, its signature philanthropic program that recognizes and rewards service and leadership by organizations, individuals and students in 44 U.S. cities and in London. Applications for the Neighborhood Builders (nonprofit organizations) and Local Heroes (community leaders) categories of the program are due by June 1, 2011 and can be submitted online at

    In 2011, Bank of America will honor, more than 90 Neighborhood Builders (two in each participating market) who work to strengthen the social and economic health of their neighborhoods. Each will receive $200,000 in unrestricted grant funding and participate in the bank’s strategic leadership training program.
