Escuela Longfellow School to Rename and Dedicate Auditorium in Honor of Beloved Teacher – Narcisco S. Garcia

    The public is invited to a renaming and dedication ceremony, March 17, at 6 p.m. at Longfellow K-8 Spanish Immersion School, 5055 July St. The auditorium will be renamed The Narcisco S. Garcia Auditorium, in honor of a beloved teacher, who died suddenly last March, after battling Leukemia.

    Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Mr. Garcia came to the United States in 1989. He was an energetic, giving teacher; who won countless awards, including Teacher of the Year.  Before teaching at Longfellow (from 2007 to 2010), he taught at Sherman, Euclid, Central, Chollas-Mead, and Correia.

    He had the ability to inspire students to do their best and his dedication to teaching will long be missed; but the love for learning and writing that he instilled in his students will remain with them for years to come.

    Mr. Garcia orchestrated numerous activities that were held in the Longfellow school auditorium and generously gave of himself to the community. Renaming the auditorium is a way for students, parents, San Diego Unified School District, and the Longfellow administration to say, “Thank you for your dedication to students.”

    For more information regarding the dedication, join!/group.php?gid=79739401099, or visit:

